My best friend is a bartender, she is also my roommate which means most nights she gets back from work she always has a new story to tell. Read on to find out what it's like to be a bartender, and yes, it's so much more than getting hit on all the time.
Factor how long you stay when you leave a tip
You are taking up the bartender's time (and bar seats) the longer you stay. That's not a bad thing! Bartenders love when there is a good conversation, it turns into a bad thing when you leave a $2 tip on a 2-hour tab.
I am not your dog
There is nothing more obnoxious than when people clap, snap, yell, or whistle at a bartender. Whistle for your dog to come, it won't work for me.
Spilt tips
"Bartenders split tips, so those 5 drinks you asked me to make while waiting for your table took up 5 minutes of my time. If you tip me a dollar for those five minutes, I have to split that with the other bartenders at the end of the night." Basically, if you're going to take a bartender away from serving bar guests for a decent time, make sure you are tipping well.
Frickin' Keno
Keno is one of the most annoying things about the bar. Bartenders don't make any money off of it but they spend so much of their time running your numbers. Don't wave your Keno ticket at them and expect them to drop everything to take care of it.
Don't complain about not winning either, what do want them to say? No one cares about your freakin' Keno dude, no one.
"I don't get hit on that often..."
BUT "I do get teased constantly for how young I look." On a regular basis, she hears people say things like "19? You're not 19, you're 19 days away from being 13!". Seriously, just cut it out. She can decide not to serve you anymore.
Bartenders decide when to cut you off
An important reminder that if you act or talk like an idiot or offend any of the bartenders, you will be cut off. #sorrynotsorry
Build a relationship
If you create a relationship with your bartender you will get their attention easily and your drink may just be a little stronger.
My hands are full, stop yelling at me
When you ask me for something and I'm LITERALLY RUNNING and MY HANDS ARE FULL I lose my mind. I hear you, I will get to you. Please, just sit tight for 2 seconds. It's probably freaking Keno that they want you to run for them.
My sleep schedule is MESSED UP
When your workday starts at 2 PM and ends at 2 AM, things tend to get crazy when it comes to sleep. Sorry if I don't answer your text messages at a decent hour, I've got a job to do!
"Surprise me"
No? I have no idea what you like and I don't feel like creating something for you, so what will it be?
"Can you make me this really good drink I had one time"
Err, probably not.
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