10 True Facts About The Ballpark Concession Stand Food, From Someone On The Inside | The Odyssey Online
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10 True Facts About The Ballpark Concession Stand Food, From Someone On The Inside

Good things come to those who wait.

10 True Facts About The Ballpark Concession Stand Food, From Someone On The Inside
Ally Mishell Smith

I've worked in a concession stand as a job for two years and as a volunteer in a different concession stand for three years before that, in total five years. Over the last five years, I've learned a lot of ins and outs of the job and ways to make it efficient. However, there are a lot of things that people on the outside of the concession stand don't realize.

Here are some insights into what goes on inside the concession stand and ways to make your visit just a little bit better.

1. Cheese fries are so much better when you're ~extra~

When you spent the entire spring season at the ballpark, eating the same thing over and over again can get kinda boring. Next time you order cheese fries, ask for jalapenos on top or some honey mustard to dip your fries in. I promise you won't be disappointed.

2. The best time to get chicken and/or fries is during a rush

Not that this is a surprise, but it really is so much better when you add cheese. Chicken and cheese, hot dogs and cheese, hamburgers with cheese, fries with cheese, it just makes everything 100 times better.

3. Nacho Cheese makes everything better

Not that this is a surprise, but chicken and cheese, hamburgers and cheese, hot dogs and cheese, just put cheese on top of everything because you can never go wrong with cheese.

4. We make everything as we need it

We don’t overcook our fries and chicken. However, sometimes we don’t realize how much time has passed since we last cooked. If you ask, we might be able to drop some fresh fries and chicken. It never hurts to ask, but please be polite when you do.

5. Please, Please, Please be patient

We are trying our best. We only have so many people. We’re only human and we try our hardest to get you your items as fast as possible. Most of the time we’re trying to do several other things while trying to serve you. Your patience and kindness mean more than we can say.

6. We know just as much as you do about the schedule

When we tell you that we don’t know where your team plays or what time your grandson’s game starts, we really don’t know. We know what time we have to get there, and what time we will possibly get to go home, but that’s about it.

7. Frozen pickle juice

A hidden secret but the best way to cool off on a summer's night.

8. We don't make the prices, we just abide by them

Our prices may not be what you want to pay but I promise you, no one is forcing you to buy anything from us. Complaining to us about how we’re “too expensive” isn’t going to make us lower them.

9. Tips

You don’t have to give us a tip, but I promise if you do, we will be so so appreciative. We only make minimum wage, and not that I’m complaining about that, but your tip could pay for our gas. We work very hard to get you everything you need as efficiently as possible, so a dollar tip is going to mean so much to us, I can’t even put it into words.

10. We're not a restaurant

I’m sorry if the burgers are “burnt” or the fries are too salty. Don’t come up to a baseball concession stand expecting a gourmet hot dog or chicken fingers.

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