Many people can say they have read one book that changed their life, their way of thinking, but for those of us captured in the lure of good literature, books have done a great deal more. They’ve created a hidden life.
The words pull you in and it becomes impossible not to read ahead, suddenly you’re lost in fictitious, imaginative world only real within crisp pages: this is our hidden world. Here anything is possible. We can save the world, solve any problem, and join legends in which shaped our lives. It’s a place of refuge and a place we dare to call home when reality is beating us down. It’s a retreat within our own minds where fear doesn't exist.
This is why reading is important. This is why literature is imperative. To those of us who enjoy getting cozy up with a good book, this is what keeps us pushing on.
The hidden world we escape to while reading is often missed by those unwilling to pick up these bounds of paper, yet it’s a core part of who we are. To the reader, these inked words mean more than any spoken, for these are which seep in their bones, transforming them into something entirely new.
There’s a sense of joy in finding a book compatible with one's very being, a book capturing their essence, but once found the connection is unimaginable. I believe this to be a major goal for many readers, to find the book that encompasses everything they are and strive to be. To find that book is to find your paper soulmate. This soulmate-like book helps create personal, educational, and worldly discoveries.
A paper soulmate may sound odd, but for some it’s the one surefire way to feel connected and understood. I have yet to find my paper soulmate, but I find the search one of joy and learning. In this process, like many other readers I have met many wonderful people who taught me important lessons.
The books we grow close to often allow for conversations with people around the word and greater understanding of culture and views. Thanks to the internet, people have shared ideas and opinions on a colossal percentage of known books, so finding someone to discuss with needs only a electronic device.
Reading is not just 26 letters printed on a piece of paper, but a bridge to others with similar beliefs, views, and lifestyles. A book can connect those on opposite sides of the earth, even neighbors, and is what makes reading and our inner minds so special. We can all have different opinions and lead opposite lives, but in our inner literary worlds we have infinite possibilities and learn who we are without the expectations of others.
In truth, the hidden life of a reader is similar to daydreaming. Both involve dream-like scenarios and fictitious lives, but hold fast to inner and outer growth. While growth is not a common association between the two, my experience in reading and creating these vivid worlds only opened my eyes, teaching me everyone has a hidden story.
And so, the hidden life of a reader is simply what happens when one becomes invested in reading. It’s the magical moments between pages when you can be free and invincible, but most importantly it is the time in which one grows to accept themselves and new understandings. Reading provides educational and personal values, growth and comfort in many people, but the hidden life is something not every reader knows. Both tangible and intangible, the hidden life of a reader is what makes us, us. It's the pull, love, memories and lessons of every book lover both in their minds and life.