This semester (like all the rest) has been a whirlwind of classes, weekend activities and attempting to keep it all together. As the year comes to a bittersweet close, everyone wants a quick way to lose that weight that's been dragging them down over the past year. If you're someone that clicked on this article with the hope of finding some drastic weight loss plan, please keep reading. I have a challenge for all of you and for most; it's not going to be an easy one. This summer, instead of focusing on your bikini body use this weight loss plan to get to a better you.
Let go of the grades you've gotten this semester, whether they're good or bad.
Whether the grades that you've gotten this semester are the best or worst, you need to leave them in the past. You can't have the constant mindset that these grades are what's going to make or break you. No matter how many semesters you have left there is always room for improvement. So this summer, get all your vibes out before next semester so you can focus on becoming a better student next year.
Move on from any semester drama.
Spending all semester with the same people can be hard and tensions can easily run high. Taking a break from those friendship can sometimes make them even stronger. If these friends are suppose to be there for you always, then your relationship should be able to sustain a few months apart. It also gives you an opportunity to focus on the friendships back home that may have been put on the back burner. Take this summer to enjoy yourself and not worry about the past.
Drop that jerk that makes you feel anything less than spectacular.
You know the one I'm talking about, the one that texts you at 2 am to "watch a movie" or "hangout". Take a step back from the situation and pretend that your friend is in your position. You would be telling her to drop this jerk that isn't appreciating her for the amazing girl she is, so why not take your own advice? I believe we forget that women weren't meant to always need a man in their life; it's a decision that we make when we find the right one. So keep searching, but never settle for less!
Don't feel the need to indulge in anything that makes you less than happy.
Summer starting always brings that slap to the face realization that your college career flies by faster than you can even fathom. Life really is too short to do anything that doesn't make you happy. Shrug off all the things that have been holding you down this semester and take the time to focus on the things that are going to make you extensively happy.
Surround yourself with people that support you and your decisions.
Life's hardest lesson is that you are going to run into people that don't necessarily like you. Drop the people that make you second-guess yourself and find people that will stand behind you in your time of need. Your decisions are what make you, YOU! Don't let anyone else influence them.
Love yourself this summer.
Sometimes we all need a little reminder that we are so much more than our appearance. So this summer, don't focus on losing your body weight, focus on losing the weight that is trying to hold you back from the unbelievable human you are. Do that and summer 16 won't know what hit em :)