It seems that the hookup culture is a mixture of living on the edge and hoping for something good in the midst of a bad idea. The media, friends, and society has glorified this concept of being used. Let me tell you upfront that there is nothing beautiful in being the girl who gets used.
In fact, it disgusts me because no one ever talks about that girl's heart and how lonely she must be. Being that girl is taking the easy way out because deep down she knows that there is a very slim chance that anything real will develop. She is quick to accept the compliments and the alcohol because it eases her insecurities so she will hit repeat every weekend.
When Monday rolls around she will keep her fingers crossed that something good could develop and by Wednesday she knows she was used and used someone too. She got burnt so she will keep her head down for the next few days but just wait, she’ll be at it all over again in a few weeks.
Sound familiar? Yeah I know. Here’s another possible scenario
That girl is out with her friends because only so many carboxyl groups can be memorized. She’s confident and everyone knows it because she carries herself well with a smile and dresses modest.
She has a wonderful night with the girls and at the end of the night a guy asks for her number No one uses anyone because she isn’t about to lower her standards for some drunk frat boy at a bar. Here’s the difference in the scenarios: Weeks go by and they chat.
Then he actually takes her out on a date. Here a mind blowing possibility: he’s respectful and sober. You feel good about yourself because you actually get attention for who you are and not what you have to offer.
I know that as a college student it seems that hooking up is a part of college but that’s not what or who you were made to be. You were not made to be used for your body by anyone, let alone by several people. You want that perfect Nicholas sparks romance? Well did any of his love stories start with two drunk college kids at a fraternity party?
There’s a fine difference between love and lust, what are you really seeking? Here’s the secret: You’re going to get what you work for.