Second semester has finally started. The long winter session of binge-eating Christmas leftovers and watching HBO on your flat screen at home has come to its end. You pack your bags for a second time, say goodbye to your dog, and call your roommates to tell them that you are coming back to your favorite little college town. Everything seems the same. Your apartment bedroom was just as you left it, your first semester books are dispersed around your desk and, hey, even that dirty dish you meant to clean is still in the sink waiting for you. Except everything is not the same. You have a completely new set of classes and teachers with high expectations. All of your hard work, sleepless nights, and mental breakdowns from your past semester mean absolutely nothing now.
I call this the second semester slump. The first week of classes is just starting and you are already exhausted. What do you mean I have to wait on a two hour line at Barnes & Noble to buy textbooks again?! I just did that, like, five months ago! Syllabi? I have to read all of your boring syllabi again? If these questions start ringing through your head each and every class, which I am assuming they are, you have a case of SSS. You want to reap the benefits of your first semester work without putting in any effort into this one.
Unfortunately for us, college just does not work like that. So for all of you trying to treat your newfound disability, I suggest texting a friend, picking an entire new Netflix show to watch from the beginning, and winging these next four months! Kidding.
Grab your agenda and start getting your lives together, people, we have quite a long journey ahead of us until summer starts. Go out there and kick that second semester slump in the you know what!