Now is the time that I've started to see all of the high school seniors complaining and saying things along the lines of 'I can't wait to get out of here and go to college'. I was the same way, we all were. Right now, as much as you think you hate it at home and want to fast-forward to being in college, you don't.
To be blunt, you don't want this right now. Cherish the moments you have left at home. Appreciate your parents for cooking you dinner, bringing you that project that you forgot on the kitchen counter, and always making sure you have enough shampoo. It's the little things you wouldn't think about that you're going to miss the most. In college, no matter how good the friends you have are, you're still pretty much on your own. Your friends at school are going to be great, but they'll still never compare to your friends at home. Your parents are going to be there for you, but when you're having trouble and in need of advice you'll realize that talking on the phone with your mom is way way different than her right there in front of you. No matter how independent you think you are and how much you don't want to admit it, you're going to realize that you need your family.
I know that you're probably hearing this from everyone, but I can't stress enough how real this is. Again, it's the little things that you don't think about. It's astronomically difficult to explain to your dad over the phone what the stain on your favorite sweater is so chances are, he probably won't be much help in figuring out how to get it out. Your best friend from home doesn't know the one kid with the glasses in your English class, so she's not going to be able to help you decipher what that look he gave you meant. You're going to discover that some of the lingo that is so prevalent in your high school isn't widely used and you'll have to constantly explain your slang. Every story you tell anyone from home is going to require ten minutes worth of context about who everyone is and why that's important to the situation. It's going to be hard to see your old friends move on and make new memories with people who aren't you.
So, I'm going to say it again. Appreciate the time you have left. Take a lot of pictures. Stay out late on a school night. Go to the basketball game even if you know it's not going to be a good game. Watch a movie with your little brother. Do all the things in your home town that you used to when you were younger but haven't in a long time. Soak it all in because soon enough you're only going to be home 3 months out of the year and even if you think otherwise, you're going to miss it.