Happy spring semester, people! I am here to give you some tips for you to make it through — because it is not as easy as fall semester was.
1. Stay on top of it.
I know that it can be rough to do so, but you had a semester to get a hang of how college works, or at least this year is going to work for you. Don't become a victim of procrastination again.
2. Go to your classes!
It may seem as if you don't have to go as much, but trust me you do not want to get behind because you did not go. You already have that time scheduled out for yourself to go, so do it.
3. Make some time to relax.
There are not as many breaks in the spring as there is in the fall, so ensure that you are taking time for yourself to not feel burnt out.
4. Plan ahead.
Do not wait until the end of the semester to start those end of semester projects again. You do not have "ample" time at the end of the semester, start working on this now (and actually work on it, don't just look at the assignment).
Enough said.
6. Branch out and be involved on campus, or in your community.
If you didn't do it during the fall — or did do it — don't forget to stay involved and branching out. You never know the connections you can make through an organization.
7. Do not give up.
No matter how bad fall semester was, or how much you do not want to be where you are, you are there. Do not give up, and push yourself.
8. Lastly, get rest.
Put the all-nighters aside, and make sure you get some sleep to ensure your health won't slip away.
You got this. Believe in yourself. Spring semester will be the best one for you yet.