Summer. That season some people actually love and the rest of us pretend to enjoy more than we actually do. Because for some reason, summer is the prime subject of pop culture's infatuation.
Think about it. There are countless movies, TV shows, books and even songs all hail to summer as the best season of them all. It is perfect adolescence, the bliss of ignorance, and an unlimited adventure all at the same time.
Alas, that is merely fiction. At least it is to me.
When I think about summer, I don't see it as any different, really, than any other part of the year. The biggest difference for me is the weather, and the weather alone is reason enough to not like the season.
Who actually likes to sweat? To be stuck in sticky, hot, all-around-gross humidity that doesn't ever seem to go away.
And then on top of that you are stuck in said heat with every flying menace known to man.
No thanks.
I'll take the cool breeze and leaves of the fall and even the dreaded cold of winter over humidity. At least when it's cold I can put more layers on. There is only so much you can take off in the summer heat.
But even with the weather aside, what makes the summer all that different? For those of us who work year-round, I don't see much. You still get up and go to work. You still try to spend time with friends and family.
You still do basically everything you would do anyway.
Now, to all the people reading this and thinking about all the cool things they do every summer: I am not knocking your summer fun. I am not saying that summer is some awful time that I hate, necessarily.
I just don't think summer is really any different than any other time of the year.
For every cool event or seasonal thing you can think of to do in the summer, I can name one for another season. And that is just it; time, regardless of when it occurs during the year, is always what you make of it.
You can make anything out of time of you choose to. No one needs the weather or the time of year in relation to Earth's positioning to have a good time or make some fun memories.
So, no, summer is not the best part of the year by default. No season is.
Can we all move on now?