So it is wintertime in Buffalo NY and with the changes in the season brings changes in mood. A severe enough change is called seasonal affective disorder or SAD. It is depression’s less talked about cousin, but just as serious. I personally do not suffer from SAD, but many of my friends do so this is more of my own observations and experiences told to me by others. One of the reasons why it is not as discussed and why people don’t seem to take it as seriously is because it often only affects someone a relatively small portion of the year (depending on where you live) and therefore it isn’t as important as other mental illnesses *note the sarcasm*.
Also because the weather affects everyone to some degree then the same logic applies to those with SAD as anyone who has felt sadness or stress understands depression or anxiety (which they don’t). It is also hell for those who have depression, it becomes depression on top of depression. It tends to make people extremely lethargic, even in the supposed holiday season. Also winter is the worst time for students. Classes are ending, work is being piled up and finals. Finals week is the most dreaded week for students due to the huge work load in such a short amount of time. Seasons can affect people in a number of ways for a number of reasons and all should be taken seriously.