You hear it all the time; people suffer from seasonal depression left and right but you never know how bad someone has it. They lay in bed, not wanting to get up and be a human being for a day, they over think everything they do and it's not a fun experience. I know I'm not the only one who deals with this issue.
No sun, no contact, and you're stuck inside for what seems like ages. It's just exhausting, and it shouldn't be. I chose to live by myself after years of bad roommates and after this "polar vortex," I have to say that being alone is worse. I suffer from seasonal depression like a lot of adults in the midwest do during this time of year. You have no sunlight, so no vitamin D coming to you, you can possibly be stuck in your home for days at a time and it can get hard.
Most people don't look at snow days or days off with dread like I do. I can't image having a day where I am stuck in my one bedroom apartment with just Charlie and Stella and not go insane. It's a nightmare to me, I am not someone who can be left alone with my own thoughts, I can find anything an everything wrong with myself. My depression didn't get bad until college and that usually the case for most adults. Times are hard, money is tight and life is really kicking your butt. I have sever anxiety on top of having seasonal depression but I've come to notice a bit more. My depression lasts more than the winter season, not my a few weeks either. I can find myself laying in bed for days in the middle of June because of a simple thought went through my mind and I chose to overthink the damn thing.
Here's what I'm getting at. Depression comes in all shapes and sizes, it isn't limited to one season or a certain time of day. It happens at any point in any person's life. It can sneak up on a person with no warning, no signs, no sympathy. So before you judge someone for not wanting to be alone and relax on a snow day, or maybe they don't want to leave their home. Think about what they're going thorugh.