It is the season of giving thanks, have you recently sat down and really thought about what you are thankful for? I have and I found that I am thankful for an innumerable amount of things. The most obvious of which is my family, I really have no idea what I would be doing without them. It wasn’t until recently that I realized I was a spoiled kid, not spoiled in the bratty sense but more so in the fact that if I wanted something there was a 99% chance I got it. My parents, and grandparents, did whatever it took to give me basically whatever I wanted as a kid and I LOVED it. However, I have had a job since I was 16 and the more I grow up, the more I realize the value in working hard for my money and I am thankful to have realized that.
I am thankful for my friends that have been there for me through everything, especially the last three years. My friends have got me through some pretty dark days and some assignments I really didn’t want to do. They are the first people I want to go on an adventure with and the last people I want to leave. I have many people who have become my friends through a variety of different circumstances but I wouldn’t trade a single one of them for the world. My friends have taught me the true value of friendship; they have all shown me, in different ways, what it is like to have a friend that is there for you no matter what.
I am thankful for my education; I love this school, the students, the professors, and the environment. These past 3 years have been the best of my life and it is due largely to this school. The professors have really revived my desire to continue my education. They all have a passion for their subjects that vividly shows while they are teaching; you can’t help but get excited about it too. Now I am not saying all the teachers are angels and that classes are a piece of cake, because that would be wrong, very wrong. The classes are tough and grades are for sure something you have to work for, but every teacher I have encountered has been more than willing to help in any way they can and that is something I will be forever grateful for! The things I have learned here will far surpass the title on my diploma.
I am thankful for all the things that haven’t gone my way. Each of these circumstances have either turned out for the better, or allowed me to learn from the experience. These experiences have become invaluable to me.
I am who I am today because of my family, friends, education and all the things that haven’t gone my way. These people and circumstances have shaped me into someone I am proud of. What are you thankful for this holiday season?