It is that time of year again folks. With fall, comes the cool weather, the pumpkin patches, the pumpkin spice, the football, but it also brings our not so good friend sickness around. With fall the common cold becomes more likely to pay you a visit. Not only are we threatened by the common cold, we also have the flu and stomach bugs flying around us. Sickness is always around us, but with the fall, germs are more likely to spread.
I was never one to really worry about these things, because I never got sick. I always somehow managed not to catch them. I just thought I had a really good immune system. Until this year. Whatever I had knocked me on my ass for 8 days. I stayed in bed 4 straight days because I physically could not stand up. And now I am writing this with a 103 degree fever. I have missed a week of classes, and some very important shifts at work. I finally went to the doctors and they gave me some great antibiotics and that is the only reason I am functional enough to be able to write this.
Being sick is not fun. It is not a vacation. Do whatever you can this year to prevent yourself from ending up sprawled out in bed not being able to move. Being sick takes more of a toll on the body then most people realize. Do yourself a favor this sick season and take care of your body! Here are a few of those little things that can go a long way in protecting your health.
- Be careful who you spit swap with. I know you want to show affection to your significant other, but if they are sick, why put yourself in that line of fire. Even if it’s not making out, sharing a drink or even eating after someone else can put you in the risk category for getting sick.
- Wash your hands. Always wash your hands after going to the restroom, in public or even in your own home. Wash your hands after you get home from a public place. Just wash your hands.
- Get a flu shot. It may seem like a pain in the ass, but getting the flu is a lot worse.
- Stay away from sick people. Yeah they need comfort, but both of you need your health. If you know someone is sick, keep your distant until they get better.
- Eat a well-balanced diet. Making sure your body is already healthy and strong enough to fight off whatever bacteria it faces, make sure you eat a well-rounded diet. Make sure you get enough vitamins, minerals, and proteins you need to keep your body strong.
- Calm down on the stress. A lot of people get stressed this time of year. Believe it or not, stress on the body can lead to a weaker immune system therefor giving sickness a chance to strike. So chill out, and don’t let yourself get too worked up.
The list could go on and on. There are plenty of ways to avoid getting sick and having a happy fall. Fall is a fun time with so many activities! Why sideline yourself because you got sick? Don't do it! Stay healthy and stay in the action of fall and its festivities!