Have you ever felt like what you're facing in your life is never going to end? Have you ever felt like the trials of your life were too much to handle? If you feel like you're stuck in a season of singleness, failures, or unemployment -- just hold on. Hold on to the fact that God has something better for you. Tomorrow is a new day and His mercies are always new.
If you're stuck in a season of unemployment, I don't know exactly what you're going through, but I've seen it firsthand how it affects others. My mom was unemployed for eight months. There were times where we thought we were going to lose our house. It was tough trying to provide for three kids without a job. But, somehow every month, God provided. There was lots of praying. When my mom started to lose faith she finally got a call from a company in Hoover and has been working there for over a year now. God brings purpose to the pain.
If you're in a season of failures, know that God restores. He will make you whole again. If you give up your life to Him, He will make your paths straight. God's grace is astounding. There's no mistake that we can make in our lives that will make God love us any less than He already does.
If you're stuck in a season of singleness, just keep pressing forward. He has someone in store for you. Don't settle for less than you deserve. Wait for the one God has designed for you. God's plan for your life is so much bigger than your plan. Instead of trying to find the right person, work on becoming the right person. Your future wife/husband is praying for someone just like you. Someone in my small group told me to fall in love with Jesus first before I fall in love with any man.
Wait for God and His perfect timing. His timing is never early or late. Be still in the season God has you in. Embrace the delay you're in right now. Just remember God will be with you every step of the way.