Like many and most art majors my finals have just begun. While we’re still a good 5 weeks out from those test dates I’ve already started my project that count for more than 50% of my overall grade and I am petrified. I keep looking through my old work and nothing is seeming to draw forth inspiration. I am just dead. In my final last ditch effort to save myself from making work that is just too cliche I have compiled a list of 5 ways to go about finding inspiration! Fortunately one of these ways worked well enough for me! I hope they might just do the same for you.
1. Take a walk
Let all your thoughts behind. Don’t drag them with you. Take a walk and get some fresh air and think of thoughts you have yet to discover. Take chances and risks while thinking. Use this walk as an adventure for the mind, let it be free and your just tagging along for the ride.
2. Observe the world
In a much different way than taking a walk, just sit back and watch. Maybe at coffee shop or at a bar. Get a drink, which ever type that may be and just allow inspiration to be gifted from the world around you.
3. Listen
Take those headphones out for 2 minutes and listen to whats happening around you. Instead of watching to the world listen. Close your eyes feel the world from an entirely new perspective and allow it to show you what is happening the things that are not being given the ears that you are now lending.
4. Go back to the beginning
Start from the fist idea and work your way backward. I have recalled many of my ideas and subjects from when I was even in high school. Sometimes using an old idea/inspiration sparks this brand new more intense version of something you may have considered even a while back.
5. Write
Pen to paper is my favorite way to go about solving any kind of unsolvable problem. The great thing about writing is that it can never leave the page if you don't let it. Words when thought out enough or planned out specifically can help you do more than just come up with inspiration it can help you visualize the concept in which you have been inspired by.
Honestly, I cant mention enough how enthused I am to enter this finals week (month). It will be my first in which I am in my primary art classes and where I can truly create work in which I am inspired by. My biggest encouragement is that regardless of what kind of inspiration you search for that you search for it relentlessly and willingly. Not allowing any form of stress, anxiety, and bumps in the road to derail your search for inventiveness.