A Sea Of Smartphones | The Odyssey Online
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A Sea Of Smartphones

Are smartphones the epidemic of this century?

A Sea Of Smartphones

Are cell phones the new cigarettes? It seems strange, but think about it for a moment. When watching a movie or TV show set in the early to mid-20th century, what do you see most characters holding? A cigarette. Now, if you're in a room full of people, look around. What do most people have in their hand? Yes, their smartphone.

My point here is not to compare the health effects of the two items. Instead, I want to examine how people, young people especially, are constantly on their phones, just as young people 50 years ago finished one cigarette just to pick up another. It's almost as if a deadly virus has ravaged citizens of the industrialized world, leaving them unable to release the vice-like grip they have on their cell phones.

We seem to believe that we can, and must, live our lives on -- and through -- our devices. This problem has been highlighted in the news many times, with a prominent story coming out just this week. Broadway legend, Patti LuPone, without breaking character, left the stage in the middle of a performance to take the cell phone of a texting audience member. Seriously. And according to LuPone, the woman was not the only phone-addict in the crowd.

Overuse of cell phones during live events has become an epidemic. Not only is it distracting to fellow audience members and performers alike -- it's just downright rude, especially during a play or movie. In a dark theater, the glow of a screen can break an actor's concentration. A musician would likely be disheartened to look out at a crowd during a concert and see the backs of iPhones, not faces.

Adam Levine, lead singer of Maroon 5, is one performer who has a serious problem with cell phones. During the band's latest tour, Levine asked audience members to put away their phones as they performed an acoustic version of their hit, "She Will Be Loved," wanting the audience to simply enjoy the music. Those who ignored his request were punished, as Levine refused to start the song until the phones disappeared -- he even pulled a LuPone and snatched a few phones out of people's hands.

I can commiserate with both Levine and LuPone on this one. On a recent trip to Disney World, I found myself struggling to see Cinderella's Castle during the Magic Kingdom fireworks. Why? At only 5'4", I could not see over other people's extended arms and selfie sticks holding up their cell phones to record the show. While the view through an iPhone 6 or a Samsung Galaxy wasn't bad, I wanted to see it, unfiltered, through my own two eyes.

In instances like a concert, or a parade, I completely understand the desire to take photos and videos to look back on later, or to share with family and friends. That's fine, but you don't need to record the whole thing. That's what YouTube is for. Even if you put your device away, someone else won't. Another video, perhaps even of professional quality, will always exist online.

Wherever you are, whatever you're doing, you are probably spending your hard-earned, not to mention limited, time and money on that experience. Be a little selfish. Enjoy the moment as it's happening. And put your damn cell phone away.

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