Sometimes, we can't help but be anxious. We as humans worry about everything! Whether this is a job interview, or a speech, worrying is a common thing. But, the bible says many things about worrying and being anxious. As a Christian, I know that I shouldn't worry, but sometimes I need a little more reminding. So here are 13 verses about worrying to remind you, don't worry about it. God's got you. (This is mostly a pep talk for myself. We all need this)
1. Matthew 6:25-26
It is easy to forget how much God cares for us. This scripture is a good reminder that even the sparrows are loved by God, and if we as humans are very good, how much more are we worth.
2.Proverbs 3:5-6
Trusting in the lord always is not always the easiest thing to do. But leaning on him can be so relieving. If you let go of that worry, then he will guide you. What relief he gives.
3. Phillipians 4:6-7
Be anxious about nothing. This can be a constant struggle. This is something I try to tell myself when I am worried about something. But when you bring your requests to God and give thanks, he will give you peace. Peace, sweet peace.
4. Luke 12:32-34
Don't be afraid about stuff! It's so hard not to think about the worries of money or the things you have. But God calls us to put our treasures in heaven, and there nothing, nothing can destroy.
5. Matthew 11:28-30
When you're worried, let Jesus carry your load. Let him give you rest by taking up your worries.
6. John 14:27
Don't be troubled or afraid, and take on God's peace. Accept this new peace that is not of this world.
7. Colossians 3:15
The peace of Christ must control your heart. You can't be worrying and peaceful!
8. Psalm 55:22
Worrying can just be really burdening, but if we give up those burden, God will take care of you.
9. Proverbs 12:25
Anxiety can lead to depression. Depression isn't something that God wants for you. But allowing good thoughts to enter your mind will help you ease your mind. Good words will encourage you. Whatever is good, whatever is right, whatever is holy, think about such things.
10. 1 Peter 5:6-8
"Be clearheaded." How is worrying keeping your head clear? Throw all your care on Jesus so that your head can be clear! You'll probably do better with whatever you're worried about doing with a clearer head.
11. Psalm 23:4
Remember that God is there in the darkest valleys, and he will be there through whatever is making you anxious.
12. Hebrews 3:5
God will always be with you, and he promises that.
13. Romans 8:38
Nothing in life can separate us from the love of God. Nothing. Not life not death.
It can be hard not to worry about tomorrow, but God calls us to trust him in the future. We need to remember that when we are faced with anxiety, we can cast our cares on God. Now, I need to stop worrying about how things will go, and trust that God is going to have his way in me.