Do you know what its like to run into your entire town when getting your morning Dunkin'? At age 5, was being signed up for soccer as normal as being registered for Kindergarten? Have you spent more of your life than you care to admit enduring Route 22 traffic? If you answered yes to these questions, you are probably from Scotch Plains or Fanwood, New Jersey. Here are a few more things that happen #OnlyInScotchPlains.
At the end of the day, you know that The Tavern is the only good restaurant in town.
You also know the hostess, graduated with your waiter, and "can't place" the bartender but know him from somewhere.
You started middle school in fifth grade.
The elementary schools in town ran out of space, so they decided to move all of the fifth graders to the middle schools. You also went to half-day Kindergarten, either in the morning or the afternoon, due to the same space issue. Just another thing that made growing up in Scotch Plains unique.
When it comes to ice cream, you know that Scoops will always win over Double Dipper.
The lines at Scoops are ALWAYS worth the wait.
There are at least five nail salons within a 10 minute radius of your house.
But there's obviously one that you favor over the others.
There are countless pizza places in your town, but you still can’t go to Italian Village (which is actually in Plainfield) without seeing everyone you know.
You have not truly lived until you have consumed a Buff Chick slice (or pie, I'm not judging) from Village.
You attended more high school soccer games than high school football games.
With that, at least five people in your graduating class played college soccer.
The residents of your town have multiple Facebook groups, and they also have ZERO boundaries
An honorable mention also goes out to the Dad who did the service of teaching all parents the "teenage lingo" of "Netflix and Chill." Oh, Scotch Plains & Fanwood Neighbors group, how you keep me young.
And the only discrimation involved what side of town you were from.
You can get to New York City on a nonstop train.
Except for during "peak hours" (read: 90 percent of the time), where you have to stop in *groans* Newark. Oh, and don't even think about trying to leave the city past 1 a.m. on NJTransit.
You're not Jewish, but you belong to the JCC. Even though there is a YMCA across the street.
Believe it or not, religion has nothing to do with which facility a family chooses to join. Both facilities are located across the street from each other, have practically the same amenities at practically the same price points, and have religious affiliations, but somehow in Scotch Plains, they became competitive with each other.
You've found yourself explaining Scotch Plains-Fanwood's donut-munchkin anatomy to an outsider.
Scotch Plains wraps around the one-square-mile "munchkin" of Fanwood as if it were a donut and Fanwood a munchkin. Creds to the first person who figured that one out.
You have a strong opinion about Fanwood Bagels, whether that’s a love or a hatred.
I know this puts me at risk of getting shot, but I've always preferred Bagel Chateau. Though Fanwood Bagels is quick, efficient, and always a bang for the buck, I am indifferent to it.
You know that we will always be better than Westfield...
Except in terms of our downtown. Their downtown will always be better, and there are no arguments to prove otherwise.
You cannot imagine having grown up anywhere else.
Stay classy, Scotch Plains.