According to the Webster's Dictionary, the definition of Scoliosis is as follows;
noun sco·li·o·sis \ˌskō-lē-ˈō-səs\
Medical Definition of scoliosis
\-ˈät-ik\play adjective(
To a lot of outsiders, scoliosis is just another term used for describing an imperfect spine. I have even gotten that it doesn't contribute to any pain, ever. But, what if there was another view point, or even another idea on scoliosis alone? What if someone could state otherwise about the thought that scoliosis is just an imperfect, painless spine condition?
As stated above scoliosis is a curvature of the spine. The curve itself can be classified into a million different subcategories, but are usually known as concave or a C-Curve or the S-Curve. Then you get the mild form or the Idiopathic form of scoliosis which is when the angles of the curve are less than 10 degrees. The Idiopathic form is also known as the Cobb form. This form of scoliosis is the most common, and can be very easy to live with. It affects up to 3% of the population with scoliosis, and it almost never requires a surgical fix. As the angles progress, treatment becomes a key point. I personally am attending physical therapy to gain strength and prevent any curving in my back that will end up becoming fatal.
Like everything else in life, there are good days and there are bad days. Unfortunately, there are even bad weeks in between these good day bad days. Sometimes by noon, it's nap time, but nap time is like twelve hours long. With scoliosis we work two times harder at a simple task like picking up a laundry basket full of clothes than individuals who do not face scoliosis. Life is truly a struggle at times but it will be okay.
Treatments for scoliosis can range anywhere from being lucky from not have anything at all, to being the new best friend of doctors and nurses for nearly a year through surgery. Physical therapy and chiropractic work are great in between treatment options where individuals can learn to strengthen muscles and take control as much as possible.
In the end, scoliosis is a love-hate relationship. We face something that makes us each so extraordinary yet so complicated that it's nearly beauty found in itself. Scoliosis is a motivational push that helps us achieve so much in life and without it honestly I don't know what life would even look like right now.
Until next week!