L. Ron Hubbard, the founder of Dianetics and Scientology, claims that this religion is “a route to previously unimagined spiritual heights.” After reading more extensively on their website, the people involved genuinely believe that Scientology is a spiritual path that leads to the saving of all mankind. The website directly states, “Scientology further holds Man to be basically god.” These people actually think that they are god and that they are on a spiritual path to save the universe.
In Leah Remini’s: The Scientology Aftermath,many families shared graphic and tragic personal stories. On numerous occasions, families had been destroyed, physical and mental abuse had been experienced and mental health issues had gone years without being diagnosed or treated because of Scientology. Clearly there is quite a controversy over this so called "religion." In attempts to remain unbiased about Scientology, it has become extremely murky when trying to recognize the positive things that it has to offer.
As I began doing more research in order to provide accurate information for this article, I began to notice a trend while searching. Every single website that popped up regarding Scientology was either an advertisement promoted by the church or a direct reference to the church's website. I had to really dig in order to find other sources of information, and clearly, that’s how Scientologists want it to be. This “church” does a really good job of hiding negative aspects of Scientology and their many tactics are beginning to become public.
For example, celebrities. There are so many celebrities that are Scientologists and how they became a part of this religion is quite suspicious. There is a designated set of members in the church whose specific goal is to surround celebrities with people dedicated to Scientology. It is the most manipulated form of advertisement I have ever seen in my life. I’m not kidding, even down to the maid that cleans their house... she is a Scientologist. While surrounding celebrities with Scientologists, they slowly but surely begin to develop the same morals and viewpoints that Scientology believes. I give them credit; it is a clever way to warp the mind of someone who has a lot of influence on a lot of people.
Celebrities like Tom Cruise divorced twice because of scientology.
Another interesting aspect of Scientology is the Sea Organization where the church's most dedicated members live and work. Since 1967, these volunteers, live here for free while working long hours, receiving an “allowance” and living communally with some five thousand members. While it sounds intriguing, there have been statements of some members attempting to escape the Sea Organization which resulted in these people being dragged back and even run off the road by other, more powerful, Scientologists. If this religion is so high and mighty, then why aren't they staying true to their belief of "freedom for all" and "godlike" faith? Something seems a bit mistrustful if these people are so fearful of their members escaping.
While I will admit, I have never been a member of the Scientology religion, nor do I plan to be, but this really is the most controversial “religion” in the world. Conveniently falling under the first Amendment, I’m curious to know what you think. Have they created an untouchable cult reigning in millions of dollars or is this really a religion on a mission to save the universe?
More information can be found via multiple platforms, documentaries and personal stories. I highly encourage you to form your own opinion on Scientology.