"Every major is frustrating."
Sure, you could say that, but majoring in science comes with so many frustrations that it's enough to drive someone crazy.
As a science major, I could argue with you on who has it worse for days. I tell myself everyday that it'll get better. I'll get to vet school soon enough, but that future is still so far away when I think about what I still have to take, or should I say survive.
Need some proof? Well, I'll give you some proof.
Here's 10 times I (and maybe other science majors) have wanted to say forget it, and drop out of college.
1. 3+ hour labs
With most science courses come a 3 or even 4 hour lab that you either really understand because of the excruciating simplicity or you're lost every minute you're there, and you're secretly hoping you won't blow anybody up. Either way it goes, there's still that chance that the lab isn't even credit producing, so you're constantly asking yourself why you're there.
2. Unrelenting professors
Every major has them, but where science is concerned... it feels like science professors live to make us suffer. Always vague explanations during lecture, not giving any type of extra credit, no curving grades, tests being the ONLY grades in the class. I could go on and on about all of the horrors in the science department, but I'm sure that not what you had in mind for spooky szn. For a science major spooky szn never ends, and it's enough to make us scream.
3. Lab TA's
Most lab TA's are pretty lenient when it comes to grading, which is a God send, but every once and a while, you'll get a TA that is out for blood with those lab reports. Any and every formatting error will be caught and taken off for, the bs you thought would slide? Nope. Caught. A red pen has never been so threatening until you've had a lab TA come at you on a science lab report.
4. Creating a schedule
With advising season starting, and the spring rapidly approaching, schedule building is crucial. For a science major, that means piling on hours and hours of science courses, but the kicker is, in the spring a lot of the courses are offered at the same time or all on the same alternating days (all on MWF or TR). Then you have to choose the harder course or the lesser evil, but either choice will haunt you because they both have to be taken at some point.
5. Never using those difficult classes again
Those difficult weed out classes? Yeah, you'll probably never use that info again, so you're struggling for multiple semesters to squeeze out that C to never need any of that again. I know it's called a weed out for a reason, but I still just don't understand why I have to take it.
6. Chemistry
That one word strikes dread and fear into the hearts of many. No matter how hard you study, you never seem to do as well as you think you're going to. I've never heard of anyone having to retake a class as many times as I've heard people retaking chemistry. The subject just is harder than it truly needs to be. Chemistry professors also manage to be the worst of the already tough science professors. They've been teaching and doing chemistry for so long, it's like breathing to them, so they think that's how it should be for us too. If I had a dollar for every time I've heard "chemistry is easy" I could myself something nice.
7. After undergrad stress
Most science majors plan to go to some kind of professional school: med school, vet school, OT, etc. Not only do we have to graduate from undergrad, we have to pass tests to even to be considered, interview well, be involved, have experience in our chosen field, and of course, actually get into our professional school of choice. The stress for a science major is eternal, and we can't out run it. We can be happy that undergrad is over, but the celebration doesn't last long.