Being in college is not always easy. Every day seems to present itself with new challenges. As a science major, I sometimes feel that my major is out to get me. Here is what it's like to be a science major as told by Disney princesses:
1. When your alarm goes off after you stayed up all night memorizing functional groups.
You just want to get a decent amount of sleep for once.
2. When you're trying to remember the steps in Meiosis.
Is it Metaphase and then Anaphase, or Anaphase and then Metaphase?
3. When you're declaring your major.
Your heart says yes but your head says no.
4. When you find someone who is just as passionate about science as you are.
Sometimes it isn't easy to find someone to talk to about how cool alveoli are.
5. When you look through the syllabus and realize just how hard the semester is going to be.
Four science classes in one semester plus their respective labs, five exams in each class plus the midterm and the final, lab reports due every week.... Oh boy.
6. When coffee has permanently replaced sleep.
On some days I am Flynn and other days I am Rapunzel.
7. Trying to take naps during your "free time".
If I fall asleep right now I can sleep for exactly eight minutes and 23 seconds before I have to wake up and go to my next class.
8. Panicking before a big exam.
After uninterruptedly studying for days and the day of the exam is finally here...
9. The face you make at your friend when the professor assigns too many pages to read out of the text book
Read pages 129-158 and take notes on the reading by tomorrow? You've got to be kidding.
10. When you have to look less stressed than you're feeling because you're going out with your friends.
11. When you're walking out of the final exam
Not sure how that went, but I am free at last!