Hint: if you're in my 9 a.m. Friday discussion, I will be sitting in the back corner nearest to the door with an oversized hoodie and a plastic bag.
Being in one of the bigger programs, it's very easy to meet people experiencing your happiness as well as pain, and as a science major, I have plenty of both.
2. Where do I even start in the real world?
I love science classes, but a lot of my time is spent doing work that has no push towards any one specific job. I've gone through half of undergrad and have less of an idea what I want to do when I graduate. Yay.
3. Yeah, I have a research position and ____.
Internships aren't as big of a thing, it's research position after research position. What am I researching? Honestly not really sure but that's what my job title says!
5. I wish one semester I could have a decent looking Friday.
99% chance it's never going to happen. I guess STEM loves their Friday discussions, as I haven't had a semester yet where I can sleep in on Friday. Unless I ~forgot to set my alarm~, which oddly happened quite a bit.
6. What's my professors name again?
Me on the last day of school trying to do professor reviews. Big classes = never really meeting them.
7. When the hell am I ever going to use this?
Okay, so this one is mostly me in any math class ever. The word calculus alone gives me shivers, and even a basic statistics class had me throwing papers around. Let me know why I worked an hour on ONE problem, to come to the conclusion females ages 18-24 prefer vanilla ice cream over chocolate. Thrilling.
8. At least I can go and talk to no one.
Half of my classes are 300 people, so if needed I can come late and just blend in in the back. It's great