The first month of school is one of the hardest for science majors.
1. There is no such thing as "Syllabus Week."
They like to hit the ground running. So much material in such little time.
2. Actually, there isn't even a syllabus day.
You're lucky if your professor spends HALF of the class period going over it. Better bring some paper to take notes on.
3. Each book costs approx. $200, so you basically have to take out a loan just to afford books.
$200 per book times 5 classes = my entire summer savings
4. Don't forget about those pesky access codes
You can't buy used textbooks because they don't have the access code, and you will still have to buy subscriptions to TopHat and other homework systems.
5. Spending hundreds of dollars on books you won't ever use.
*spends $300 on textbook* *never opens it*
6. Having homework before you even go to your first class.
Don't expect the first week to be simple. You'll have 10 assignments due before you even set foot in the lecture room.
7. Having to perform a FULL lab on your first class meeting.
Don't expect to leave lab early just because it's the first week. Actually, expect to be there longer than usual.
8. Wearing pants in the heat of summer.
Not only is your soul dead, but so is your body from heat exhaustion.
9. Carrying an entire football team on your back.
You get some serious back muscles from lugging all those heavy hardbacks around campus.
10. 8 a.m.'s.
At some point in your academic career, usually every semester, one of your professors hates you enough to only have an 8 a.m. section you have to attend.
11. Night labs.
Not only are you getting up at the crack of dawn, but you're staying up until 8-9 waiting to get done with lab.
12. Homework, homework, homework.
Whether it is problem sets, mymathlab, or a reading assignment, you better be prepared to spend at least 3 hours a night doing homework.
13. Living off of coffee.
At least one of your daily meals will be replaced by coffee and energy drinks.
14. Always studying.
Whether your test is two weeks away or tomorrow, you will always be seen with a backpack on or somewhere studying. The Grind Never Stops.
15. Studying for hours just to fail.
At least once in your college life you will fail a test. What hurts more (and is very common) is spending weeks studying only to fail the test.
16. No social life.
Since you're spending all of your money on books and all of your time studying, there won't be anything left for a social life. The most social you will get is in lab or studying with friends.
17. Debating changing your major.
You will at least once debate on changing your major. It's inevitable.
18. Feeling dead inside.
Nothing makes you feel more dead inside than being a science major during the first month of school.