There is not a key to happiness. Every single person on this earth experiences happiness differently, so it is impossible to assign one key to open billions of doors. We are each able to find happiness in the different things this world has to offer, hoping that as a whole, the world can be one, big, happy place. Simple, right? It’s not that easy. Today we are all in a world experiencing an unfathomable amount of tragedy, hate, fear, and negativity. We let the bad news overtake our positivity, causing us to forget that we hold the power of making this world better. Our attitudes, gifts, and hearts can be the light in the darkness that is shadowing the world, and we can learn that there is still joy to be celebrated. Like I said, there is not a key to happiness, but there is a science to happiness.
Yesterday in our SGA meeting, Chloe showed us a video of how happiness stems from gratitude. The video is all about the science of happiness, you should look it up (Youtube “The Science of Happiness”). In the video, random people are asked to take a test that reflects their happiness at that very moment. Once their happiness level is determined, there is another part of the test that brought nerves, tears, and most importantly, joy to the participants. They were asked to name the single, most influential person in their lives, and write down all of the reasons that this individual is so important to them. The writing process made people cry, laugh, and reminisce on their lives and the goodness that has been brought into their lives by these people. When they thought the test was over, they were asked to call their person and read them what they had just written.
For many people, this part was surprising. They didn’t think they could have the courage to call the people and pour their gracious heart out to the person they had just written about. When the contestants called their influential person, tears were shed, and happiness flooded the room; it was very evident. It was as though you could see their walls breaking down, their hearts out in the open, and their gratitude radiating.
The happiness levels were tested again, and everyone’s happiness had increased. People who were happy to begin with got happier, and people who were not happy at first, found joy in this exercise, tripling their happiness level.
The science of happiness is quite simple. While some of you may think you have to possess things, have your life together, have a stable job and money, and other things that are perceived as roads to happiness, this exercise shows that all you need is to be thankful for what you do have and who you have. Having someone that has influenced your life for the better, forever, is one of the most joyous experiences of life. It is time more people recognize and express their gratitude to those well- deserved, influential individuals. They have made you who you are today.
Expressing gratitude will increase your happiness
I encourage all of you to write a letter to, or call, someone who has made you who you are today. Thank them for being there for you, even when they might have thought they were insignificant. Let them know they are loved and appreciated. All of our keys may not unlock the same door to happiness, but our grateful hearts can all spread joy together. This world can be a dark place, but that only means there is more room for light.