What They Don't Tell You About Long-Distance Relationships | The Odyssey Online
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The One Thing They Don't Tell You About Long-Distance Relationships

Don't just survive it, thrive at it.

The One Thing They Don't Tell You About Long-Distance Relationships

If you've ever been in a long-distance relationship, you've probably asked yourself more than once "Why is this happening to me? I mean… of all people, why ME?!"

Long-distance relationships aren't anyone's cup of tea because, let's face it, it sucks to be in that situation. But what if you could make it a more positive experience by being strong and developing mental fortitude?

Does absence make the heart grow fonder?

Indeed, it does. But at some point, things become difficult and you feel completely stuck. If it's true love, it will always work out. You both will persevere, and you'll be two better people for it.

If it's meh or ordinary love, the chances of the long-distance relationship failing are higher. Both partners need to put in the effort to see the results, and that only happens when you really care for someone.

Distance is painful — but it gets easier over time.

There's a harsh reality that anyone who has ever been in a long-distance relationship will tell you: Insecurity will constantly play with your mind. The trust between you two will falter every now and then. Communication (or the lack thereof) will either drive you apart or closer together. The breakups won't be any easier (than the real thing). The makeups won't feel as good (as the real thing).

Fear may handcuff you. Fear may confuse you. Fear may destroy you. Don't let the "what ifs" consume you. Stay faithful and expect the same from your partner.

People will feel sorry for you to the extent that you'll start feeling sorry for yourself. However, modern-day technology will definitely help bridge the distance, so use it well.

Nothing worth having comes easy.

It takes a lot of work to keep things hot and heavy all the time, and trust me, that's what you want! But are you willing to put in the necessary ingredients to spice things up? You have to be open to trying new things, breaking out of your comfort zone every now and then.

If a couple can survive a long-distance relationship, they can practically survive anything together.

Truth be told, they aren't as problematic and unrealistic as people may think. The stress will only seep through when you let it. Long-distance relationships can be refreshing and liberating. They'll keep you busy and help you to be more independent and self-sufficient.

They'll also teach you about the importance of sacrifice, perseverance and communication. As a result, no matter how the relationship plays out, you'll be stronger and wiser for it.

Don't just survive it, thrive at it.

I love my long-distance fiancé more than life itself, so I'm willing to do anything for him.

Instead of condemning the universe, embrace the challenge and make the best out of the situation.

"Distance simply means separation in place but never in connections. Heart remains inseparable." ― DhelChen
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