5. Hush, Hush Series | The Odyssey Online
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The Best Sci-Fi And Fantasy Book Series To Read

With so many books to read, start with these

The Best Sci-Fi And Fantasy Book Series To Read

We've all seen some of the best book series turned into movies. The books are actually some of the most obsessive reads. Some are dystopian novels that take place in a post-apocalyptic world, others include angels and demons. Nevertheless, these are some series that you should be sure to read when you want to escape into another reality.

1. The Divergent Series


In this dystopian series, society is divided into 5 factions people choose to join based on a certain virtues: bravery, honesty, selflessness, peacefulness, and intelligence. Beatrice Prior has a choice to make that will change the course of her life and a secret to keep that could kill her.

2. The Selection Series


The Selection is basically the bachelor but for a prince in a dystopian world. Thirty five girls are chosen to date the prince and potentially become his wife. America Singer didn't even want to submit her name in the competition, but when she gets chosen she'll have to choose if this is what she wants: to be the next queen.

3. The Darkest Minds Series

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After a disease sweeps through the world, the children left alive somehow have special abilities. They are rounded up by the government and identified by color categories based on ability. Ruby, as one of the children with strongest ability, has the ability to change the course of her life and others.

4. The Mortal Instruments Series

The Mortal Instruments Series Collection 1-6 by Cassandra Clare


Clary Fray doesn't know anything about the world of Shadowhunters. But after witnessing a murder that no one else seems to see, she questions everything. How is any of that possible when she thought she was simply a normal, mundane girl? The answer: she is so much more.

5. Hush, Hush Series


Nora doesn't know why she's suddenly so interested in a boy named Patch. What is it about him? And at what cost does it come so they can be together? In the middle of a war between immortals and fallen angels, so much is at stake that she must make the right choice to live.

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