The week before spring break is bound to be a struggle; between exams and the constant craving for warm and sunny weather the question can become whether or not we’ll even survive long enough to see the tropical drink awaiting us at the end of the tunnel. Here’s my guide on how to get through the week…
Monday: As if Mondays aren’t hard enough normally. Today, start packing for your trip. While packing may have seemed like a chore in the past, it’s better than homework and serves as a reminder of what awaits you if you can just make it through the week. Also, this way you can try on all the cute clothes you have that you can’t wear out here, because it’s just too cold.
Tuesday: Hit the gym. While it’s true that your spring break bod or lack thereof isn’t going to change from just one work out, hitting the gym will give you some energy and some confidence to take on the beach in that new bikini when Saturday rolls around.
Wednesday: Hey look, its Hump Day! You’re halfway there. Today, hit the tanning bed (or the cheap self tanner from Walgreens). This way you won’t blind the beach with your fluorescent white complexion, but you also have a few days to fix it if your attempt at being a bronze goddess goes horribly wrong.
Thursday: Look at you, closer and closer. Today treat yourself for all hard work and studying you’ve been doing this week and go get yourself and mani-pedi. Nothing complements a new bathing suit, and a newly darkened complexion like some nice and shiny nail polish.
Friday: Now the countdown’s gone from days to hours! Take the time before you leave campus to clean your room and put fresh sheets on your bed. Even though leaving the warm weather and sand will be hard, sleeping on a clean set of sheets just might make up for it. Now you’re off! Have a fun and a (mostly) safe break!