After a solid month of sleeping all day, relaxing with family, and seeing hometown friends, the time inevitably comes: The time to go back to school. Good thing you spent your break organizing your school papers, buying supplies, and studying for grad school, right?
1. When you think this semester is going to be the semester you finally get your life together.
You've been telling yourself that since 4th grade, but the time is now!
2. But then you crash and burn 27 minutes into your first class.
Well, it was fun while it lasted.
3. When professors tell you going to class is required during syllabus week.
But then they give your spot away to another student. I guess it really is required.
4. Desperately searching around your lecture hall for a familiar face.
Nope. Nope. Definitely not.
5. When you finally decide to take that Zumba class you've been dying to try.
You quickly realize you should've stuck with yoga.
6. When the professor says there's no way they'll bump up your grade at the end of the semester if you don't do the work, but they haven't seen your charm yet.
Not to mention your overly convincing email writing skills.
7. When you finally get to see all your friends again.
It's only been a month, but it felt like 30 years.
8. When you see a cute boy in class.
So you spend the entire period making googly eyes at him from across the room.
9. When you shift from sleeping 17 hours a day to two.
Oh, the things you took for granted.
10. When someone tries to convince you to join a new student group, but you quickly remember you could just binge watch Netflix in bed instead.
Eeny, Meenie, Minney, Netflix. Definitely Netflix.
11. When you make it through half of the day, but realize you still have 750 more hours of stuff to do that night.
It's okay. We all need four months of adjustment to get back into the swing of things.
12. When the TA yells at you because you're taking Buzzfeed quizzes on your phone instead of the pop quiz on your desk.
What's more important in the long run, memorizing amino acids or finding out which Poptart flavor I am?
13. When you finally make it through the first week.
But there are only 10 minutes left of happy hour.