From the time I was young, going back to school shopping was one of my favorite things to do. I love getting new supplies for the start of a new year! Now that I'm a teacher, it makes a lot of sense that I get more excited to go to Staples than any other store. Here is my ranking of school supplies that get me very excited for the start of school!
1. Notebooks
I'm a sucker for pretty notebooks. Even though I know I have several unused ones at home waiting for me to write in, I HAVE to buy more. You can never have enough notebooks, right?
2. Pens
Ballpoint pens. Colored pens. Gel pens. Fountain pens. There are so many pens and I want them all!
3. Sticky Notes
When I see a new pack of sticky notes, I immediately think of a million reminders that I must write down and stick all over my walls. Plus, they make pretty fantastic bookmarks.
4. Planners
Ok, this one might just be my favorite. Stopping by the planner section in any store is not a quick trip with me. Something about having a pretty planner makes me want to reorganize my entire life.
5. Highlighters
I don't think I've ever used a highlighter to its end, but each year I buy new ones. You never know when you'll come across something that needs to be highlighted!
6. Felt Tip Pens
If you have never used one before, I beg you to go buy one and use it because your life will forever be changed. These are my absolute favorite type of writing implement ever. For all the teachers out there, they come in so many colors so you don't have to grade in just red ink anymore!
7. Desk Containers
When everything on my desk has a place, I'm more likely to keep it organized. At least, that's the theory...
8. Folders
They come in so many colors and designs and I just want papers to put in them!
9. Binders
I feel like binders are organization at its finest. I want to be a binder person.
10. Highlighter Tabs
These make me look like I am super efficient with studying when I have a bunch of different colors sticking out of the sides of my books!
11. Colored Pencils
Pair these with a new coloring book, and you've got a stress-free afternoon activity!
12. Cute Mugs
Going to school wouldn't truly be possible without a cute mug for your caffeinated beverage of choice. It's the little things that can brighten any day!
Go forth and gather your school supplies with joy!