School Psychologist: "uniquely qualified members of school teams that support students' ability to learn and teachers' ability to teach. They apply expertise in mental health, learning, and behavior, to help children and youth succeed academically, socially, behaviorally, and emotionally."
I love kids. They're hilarious. My favorite thing to do with them is ask them to tell me a story. Sometimes I think they're actually just little imagination boxes that can talk -- and thank goodness, because I love to hear their made up fairy tales...or the story about the baby in mom's tummy.
Not all kids can function "normally." As relative as that term is, some students need to be taught a certain way, loved on a certain way, need different resources, or extra time in math.
That's why, when I grow up, I want to be a School Psychologist. I want to work with young kids, ages 3-8, assessing learning disabilities so we can serve students better in the schools.
I want to be a School Psychologist because I want to help someone have a better life (and a better chance at an education) every. single. day.
Don't get me wrong...
When I spend my Sunday mornings teaching three and four year old preschoolers, it definitely takes some patience, and sometimes I find myself getting pretty 'fed up' But nothing beats those hugs before they leave to go home with their parents. Nothing beats their smiles and "thank you's" when they walk out the door.
Nothing beats helping a child read better, learn to use scissors, or color in the lines.
Nothing beats helping a child calm down, use their words, and communicate their needs more effectively.
Nothing beats being loved unconditionally by little ones who think you're 107 years old and married with five green-haired children.
Nothing beats hanging out with kids. So I want to do it forever.