A School Production Of 'Nunsense' Gave Me A Brief View Of The World In A Nunnery | The Odyssey Online
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A School Production Of 'Nunsense' Gave Me A Brief View Of The World In A Nunnery

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A School Production Of 'Nunsense' Gave Me A Brief View Of The World In A Nunnery

A couple of years ago, I had the opportunity to see a school production called Nunsense. Nunsense is a musical-comedy that was written by Dan Goggin. It has five nuns that are having a fundraiser, and each is showcasing their talent. In talent shows, the audience is presented with various musical performances stating how these nuns got to the place they are currently.

The nun's costumes were very thoughtfully put together. The nuns that were there for a long time, such as Mother Superior, Sister Hubert, Sister Robert Anne, and Sister Amnesia, had been wearing a black headpiece because they were already trained on how to be a nun. While Sister Mary Leo was wearing a white headpiece. This meant that she was new and still "in training" at the nunnery. In my opinion, this was very clever because at first the audience did not know that but as the play continued, they figured out that she did not know as much history as the others did.

While the five nuns are main characters, out of all the nuns I have to personally say that Sister Amnesia was my favorite. She was not only my favorite because she was funny and sweet, but also because of the traits, she has. Sister Amnesia proved that even though she did not remember where she came from or who she really was, one can still live life with a strong head. In addition, she had a dynamic change when she remembered that she was Sister Mary Paul, the winner of the million-dollar contest. However, that did not change who she was. Throughout the rest of the play, she was a kind-hearted nun. This taught me that no matter who you are, no one could take your personality away.

In addition to the nuns, the costumes were very thoughtfully put together. The nuns that were there for a long time had been wearing a black headpiece, while Sister Mary Leo, was wearing a white headpiece. This meant that she was new and still "in training" at the nunnery.

Another distinct characteristic of this play was the lighting throughout. In the beginning of the play, it was a bright light show on Sister Mary Regina and the shadow of the light show on everyone else. As the play escalated, the light was shining on the whole stage. However, the scene where the health inspector calls is one with great use of light and sound. In this scene, the light was rapidly changing from red to white, while they were on the phone. Along with the suspenseful sounds in the background, this gave the audience a sense to believe that something we're able to bury the last four bodies from the fire.

Overall, Nunsense was a good play. Sister Amnesia taught me that even if you forget who you are, no one can take away your personality. The light and sound combination helped me understand the plots and how serious some were while others not so much. The way the nun's costumes were very cleverly put together. All of these are only some of the characteristics as to why I liked this play. Others include the fact that it was funny as it was a good laugh. It also gave me a brief view of the world of a nunnery.

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