Back to school is always an exciting time. As much as I love my family, I'm ready to get back into the swing of things. I'm ready to see my friends, watch my team, and get back to my college town. What I'm not ready for, are the annoying little things that come with living in a community of college kids.
My top back to school pet peeves are:
When my unassigned assigned seat gets taken.
Okay, I get that we don't have assigned seats in this class. But I've been sitting in that seat since the first day. Why on week 4 have you just all of a sudden decided to ruin my day? Now I have to go take someone else's unassigned assigned seat.
Does anyone actually enjoy elevator rides? They barely ever work. When they do you are tapped in a metal box with people you most likely don't want to be in close proximity to.
That group of friends that takes up the whole sidewalk.
When all five of you walk side by side, no one can get around you. I'm glad you are enjoying a jolly stroll, but I have places to be. You are taking up the entire width of the side walk and creating a traffic jam of stressed out college kids who have everything but time for such nonsense.
The kid who argues with the professor way too much.
If you ever sat down and figured out how much you are paying per class, you realize how precious and expensive class time is. I don't know what you have to prove by arguing with the professor Every. Single. Class. but the rest of us are trying get an education. Save it for office hours.
People who are impatient in the dining hall lines.
You don't need to breath down my neck, reach across me, or start making sassy little huffing noises. Take a step back, there is plenty of food for everyone. If you were this pressed for time maybe you shouldn't have come to the sit down dining hall.
Instructors who have no regard for when class is over.
I'm here on time because I understand how rude it is to walk in late. So why are you making me walk in late to my next class? Have the same respect for my time as I have for yours.
Group projects.
It doesn't matter how well you work with other people, group projects always suck. Someone is going to get upset, and we are all going to get way to worked up trying to navigate each others schedules.
That one TA.
Whether they blow up my inbox or are just plan annoying, there's always that one TA I just can't stand.
Regardless of all the annoying little things, it's good to be back.