When we were born all of us were immediately enrolled in the most important schooling we have ever known. Some of us become aware of this, some don't know, and some may know but try to forget. Right now as we breathe, speak, and think we are in this class even now. Life is just one big experience and these lessons we learn get us closer to what we truly seek. What we really seek in life is truth, but we cannot reach truth until we go through all these classes.
Life is like one big school and we are all in these classes. Some people will never be in the same classes, but we all will form our own viewpoint of what truth is in each class. Imagine the school building to be life or imagine the structure however you want it to look. Imagine your soul as the entity that is being shown in this class. Think about your teachers as envy, hate, judgment, sadness, happiness, knowledge, views, negativity, positivity and the list goes on. I believe you get my point. Now in each of these classes you are given tests. The test is how you handle what you think, feel, and experience. For example you can pass the test of negativity by figuring out why you are being negative, controlling it in a healthy way and dropping it then you pass. If you let it control you and you start to make unhealthy habits little by little until you fall under all the negativity. Then you get lost in the darkness and are currently failing. Sounds a bit negative, but it is part of the experience of life. It does not matter how strong any of us are because we will both pass and fail this class until the day we die. You learned from failing which got you closer to being your true self, which is why you ended up passing sometimes. Each class will test you in that manner, but its up to you to make your own choice. No one can tell you what choice you have to make. People can help guide you to the right choice, but it is ultimately your choice. Passing each of these classes does not mean you are done with it and neither does failing. You'll find your way back into each class because that is how things are. It will creep up on you too. Before you know it your soul will be back facing what you believe you have beaten. You will be there for another test. Each test whether you pass or you fail takes you deeper to who you truly are. That does not happen to the end of the school year. This brings me to your final teacher.
The final teacher that you meet in your last class will you have to take is death. It is a short one, but it is one where everything becomes clear. The journey is over and it was fun walking down the winding path of life, but the book has reached its conclusion and its time to close it. Death is the last teacher before you meet the one who orchestrated it all: the universe, God, energy, or whatever you want to believe may be the end. All mean entities mean one thing though. It means the TRUTH. The one with all the answers and the master puppeteer. Even if you don't believe in any of that then you believe there is nothing. In that case you believe that there is just darkness. You believe there is nothing then that is the last thing you will see, then you will see eternal darkness. Eternal Darkness can even be your truth because your answer could be THE answer.
At the end is when you become who you truly are.