Finally, I can leave college for 3 months. The last exam is over and I am free bound! All there is to do now is to pack up everything I own into a small car and drive 3 and a half hours to get back home. Now I can go on hikes, go for long car rides, get ice cream, go to concerts, and just chill for a while. The only downfall to this perfectly splendid summer is work. Now I need to find a summer job (I am glad no one is hiring) and make sure I can get my observation hours done. Right when I thought my life was stress free and that I wouldn’t have responsibilities to fulfill, it turns out the world has a different plan for me! Here are the stages of my realizing my realities this summer.
1. Home bound with 3 months time to do nothing!
2. Mom: "You need to find a job."
3. *Applies to every place in town.*
4. *Doesn't get hired anywhere.*
5. Me: "“My life is going downhill fast and I will never be able to move out of my parent’s house.”
6. Wait, I have to leave for college tomorrow? I HAVEN'T EVEN STARTED PACKING YET!!!!
7. Now, back to a stress-induced life for the next 9 months.