It has been about a week into school for most people and a lot of decisions and opportunities have arisen with the new school year. Another thing that comes is a diverse group of people and characteristics. One group of people that come with the year is parents, you have either the really stressed out parents who no matter what they do or how hard they try to keep a schedule it always seems as if things never get done, or you could have the parents who couldn't care less about if their children have supplies and leave all of the responsibility up to their oldest child; and they feel that the school is responsible for all other expectations and requirements that come with the new year. With school teachers are among the diverse groups of people, there are the teachers who seem to always be happy and have this big dream to make a difference in a child's life (witch they will) on the other end of the spectrum there are the teachers who do not even care if a child has difficulty's in their life, whether it be a learning, mental, or physical obstacle; they believe every child should fit into their specific teaching mold and will not alter it for anyone. Most importantly we have the group of people that come with the school year are the children or in other words the students; the ones who have to go and endure this school year from now until around May. The students who wake up in the morning, go to a building full of strangers for eight or plus hours and then leave, some kids even have parents who drop them off an hour too early and pick them up way too late.
There are a whole bunch of different views and stand points on the subject of how schools work and function, and how all of these different types of people respond to the specific environment of the "typical school", but not all of them are as positive as what society makes it seem. Some kids don't fit the mold of the school environment, they might have a learning disability so the thought of being in a class room with about twenty-five other children and the teacher asking a question is difficult. They just sit in their own mind pleading with their surroundings please don't let the teacher call on me (even though they knew the correct answer before anyone else.) Or there are kids with social anxiety and the thought of lunch: sitting with other people and not feeling accepted, like all the children around them are all judging and making fun of you and even though they probably aren't, you have this thought running in your mind (they are going to try and talk to me) and it scares them so much that they start sweating and physically getting sick over the thought of having to talk with these strangers. Also, there are the students who do not have any kind of support system at home and they have developed an image that anything anybody ever says cannot be trusted and so when they hear the staff say things like this is a safe place and you can trust these people it just feels like lies. They push themselves into a stage where they do not talk or interact with anybody, they don't even do their work, they have been assigned. They end up failing the whole grade or just drop out of school altogether. The sad thing is society does not appear to accept any of these different challenges or obstacles in their schools or students lives so an education is and should be for everyone but "school" is not.