School is probably in the top five least favorite places in the world for most students. In fact, most children, especially teenagers, likely hate waking up before the sun rises to be at school by 7 a.m. However, what makes all the difference to a child in school are their teachers. People may not realize it, but teachers have a huge impact on their students.
From my experience in middle school and in high school, my teachers made me want to go to school every morning. I was excited for their classes because they made everything we did fun and understandable. Not only were they good at doing their jobs, they were good at making me feel like I was important and that I deserved to learn just as much as anyone else in my class did. My teachers made a positive impact on my life, and they helped shaped who I am.
Most people don't understand the healthy relationship between a student and a teacher. Teachers are people kids can look up to and go to for help if they have no one else. Teachers are there to encourage their students to not only learn, but to grow and step out of their comfort zone.
Throughout middle school, I was going through a difficult time. I wasn't myself and my teachers noticed. I was able to confide in my teachers, and they were able to not only help me through this rough patch, but they also directed me in the right direction to get the help I needed.
Once students get into high school, there's a more mature relationship between students and teachers. From my experience, when a teacher would give an assignment, if I had a different direction I wanted to take the project, all I had to do was talk to my teacher about it. There's more of an openness with teachers once you're in high school which, I think, makes the students feel like they're being talked to instead of talked at.
When students are having issues with their friends or family, teachers are an outside source that can offer some advice to help the situation. I feel like kids have this idea that teachers are these horrible people who are only there to make their lives worse by giving out homework and tests. While homework and tests aren't fun by any means, teachers genuinely care about their students and want to help them in the best way that they can.
My middle school and high school teachers were people who believed in me when I didn't. They knew I would be successful, strong, and happy. They encouraged me to step out of my comfort zone and explore the world outside of the little bubble I found myself in.
Teachers are another support system in life and can leave a lasting impact on their students.