This is it guys, back to school month has finally arrived. August! As I was drinking my coffee this morning it all hit me that I move out and go back to school literally in two-weeks! That's when I looked down at my dog and realized I will have to say goodbye to my furry friends soon and they have captured more of my emotions about going back within the last 24 hours it hit me. If dogs are man's best friend they sometimes capture mans emotions better than anyone else. So here it is, the 10 emotions you face going back to school as told by dogs.
1. Laziness
you have been living by the pool for weeks on end. Are you really ready to begin packing and moving?
2. Sadness.
You are mainly sad for the fact that you have to say goodbye to your furry friends. But when you leave home mom doesn't go back to college with you to cook and do your laundry.
3. Excited.
You are getting to leave home, go back to your favorite place, and see your favorite people again!
4. Stressed.
The moment where you realize, you have to start buying books, doing lauder, cooking, going to class. Aka adulating!! Stress reaches an all time high.
5. Relaxed.
If you are not stressed about having to go off and adult again then props to you. You probably experience an awesome relaxing summer day. If you do plz tell me what that's like.
6. Oblivious.
I like to pretend I don't know about the amount of stress thats about to unfold. I mean oblivious sounds a whole lot like bliss am I right?
7. Boss Vibes.
You are out here getting stuff done conquering the world and climbing the academic ladder of college.
8. Tiredness.
You have been thinking, moving, and doing for long amounts of time. Doing all of that all on your summer leisure time is hard.
9. Panicked
You start to worry. "oh my gosh do I have everything?" "why did I come to college again?" "is all of this really needed?"