Walking into your first class of the five-month long semester for the first time is overwhelming, to say the least. Summer was fun, but it came and it went, and now it’s time to break your summer habits and open your planner.
I remember when I was younger, going back to school had such a negative connotation. Complaining about classes, tests, teachers and homework is such a common conversation to be caught up in. Going to school wasn't fun, and that attitude followed me to college. Granted, school is draining, the hours are draining, teachers think their class is the only one you have time for, and homework and tests pile up until you feel as if your brain can’t take it anymore. Hours spent at the library teaching yourself something the teacher couldn’t, and spending mass amounts of money on paper books are all things that, believe me, I understand. I complain more than most about school, but there is a but.
You are in school for a much bigger picture. You’re in school to learn and I don’t think most people truly understand what a privilege that is. Education is taken for granted so indescribably much. Most students just go through the motions because they are so used to just getting by. They begin sliding through the cracks. Cs get degrees, right? But why shoot for a mediocre C when you can strive for so much better than that? You and I know what you are capable of. There is no greater feeling than getting an A on a paper or test that you studied for and poured your heart into. Knowing the effort you put forth paid off is a very rewarding feeling.
While acing tests and papers, you begin to find an interest; you begin to find your passion. You find a subject that strikes something in you. It tugs at something inside you and your body and brain are begging for you to learn more. Once you find something you yearn to learn more about, you slowly become interested in school. You begin to get excited to go to your classes. Discovering something you haven’t learned yet is new and exciting, almost as if you are craving more knowledge. It's so admirable to look at someone who has come so far and their dreams have paid off. It's someone to look up to. Someone who found their passion through learning is an inspiration.
Once you find your passion, you go with it. It's exciting. You've been confused your whole mediocre life on what goals you wanted to reach, what job you wanted to pursue and what major you wanted to take part in. You've found it. You run with this new found love for learning until you reach your goal. A goal being a dream job; a job you’ve always wanted and aspired to do. This is something you would love to do for the rest of your life; something to never get bored of when you have to wake up early in the morning. You wouldn’t have to drag yourself out of bed; you would want to get out of bed. It should be something that makes you proud of yourself for working so hard in school.
You've found something you're good at and you've worked at it. You've pushed yourself to learn more and educate yourself on a topic that has stricken such a cord in you. Once you find what you're interested in, school becomes something you look forward to. Learning isn't draining anymore.
Education is so important and once you find your passion you can run with it. Don't stress if you haven't found it yet; it'll come to you. You're still young. But for now, don’t wake up and dread going to school. Know that you are one step closer to finding your passion. It’s a privilege to be educated, so don’t waste it.