To School App, Or Not To School App? | The Odyssey Online
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To School App, Or Not To School App?

That is the question! Also, when was that test again?

To School App, Or Not To School App?
15 Smart and FREE (or Inexpensive) Back-to-School Apps for Kids and Parents — FamilyMint

There are so many technological advances happening all around the world, with new discoveries nearly every day. Ironically, the places where we learn about all these advances are usually the ones who are so far behind! Schools have been around even before the ancient Greeks and yet, they are the ones who are technologically behind. The ones who are more behind than others are usually the colleges, including and not limited to, community colleges. However, that is rapidly changing. Thanks to a new app platform known as Ellucian Go.

Ellucian Go is a mobile application that is available on Apple and Samsung products that allows the app producers to design an app for their schools with little IT help and allows the app to come live within "a matter of hours". Now schools such as Suffolk County Community College, American University, Austin College, Birmingham- Southern College, Our Lady of the Lake College/ University, Quinnipiac University, York Technical College and Roanoke college to name a few, have an app specifically designed solely for their school.

Finally! This way those alerts telling you school is closed comes faster, you never miss an email from a professor and you can check your schedule with the same ease you can check your Facebook. But, you know what they say every good thing has a bad side. Is this one of those cases? I mean, look at the pros:

1. Schools alerts come faster

2. You can never miss a school related email (if you haven't configured yours to be sent to your personal anyway)

3. You have easier access to the school website.

That includes your schedule, the map of the school, online library and FAFSA information.

4. It is downloadable on both IOS and Google Play for free.

These are the most used app stores used by college students. It's also free, unlike many exclusive school apps that are not. (They may not be expensive, but do you really want to pay $.99 for an app?)

5. Provides full facilities of the website without the hassle of typing in the school address.

And signing in constantly too. Let's face it, we're just too lazy for that. As a wise woman said, "Ain't no body got time for that!"

6. It is literally at the tip of of your fingers.


1. The app still depends on the school servers.


2. You have no excuse to not know that school is very much still open on that one possible snow day.

Real tears, fake smile.

3. You will get updates for every notification.

At all times of the day, every day, with most having nothing to do with you.

4. No wifi or data, no app.

5. School WiFi/server isn't the best.

You'll have to depend on that unless you have an amazing amount of data. In which case, kudos.

That aside, there do seem to be more pros than cons so I guess school apps are a good thing? Life is advancing and so is technology, who knows? Maybe the next move will be robotic teachers. Has to be better than robotic hotels.

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