I distinctly remember the thoughts circling my mind before I started to watch this show like, "Will this be a waste of my time?", or "This show seems a little far-fetched to be something I would enjoy watching." Nevertheless, quarantine was forcing me to try different things and I am so glad it did.
This show gave me the gift of laughing in the face of adversity and misstepping. In life, we may feel like we are on top of the world one day and the next day could push us to our lowest. Whether that be getting fired, not getting that job opportunity you wanted, or in Rose's situation, getting kicked out of their $20M mansion due to their tax assessor getting in trouble with the law and Johnny's company 'Rose Productions', this television series illustrates this family's character development beautifully and makes you appreciate your loved ones in a more ethereal sense. You can truly find yourself relating more and more to each character in one aspect or more.
So without further ado, here is every character of Schitt's Creek ranked & why I believe I am right!
Warning: Spoilers ahead!
11. Jocelyn Schitt
Jocelyn is a rock star! She picks up any job while raising a baby on the hip and deal with Roland, in my book this woman is a superhero!
10. Roland Schitt
I am not going to lie, Roland totally annoyed me for a while but then I just did a complete 180° once we started seeing how often he showed up for the Rose's. He would be at their beckoning call without getting anything out of it although he did usually joke about holding it over their heads but never followed through. This man has a heart of gold!
9. Patrick Brewer
His performance in Cabaret and serenade of 'Simply The Best' to David will live on in my heart forever. Not to mention his vows to David at their wedding...this man is just one love-ball who just gives and gives.
8. Ted Mullens
Ted Mullens. Truly what a character development. He went from crying at the Rose's door at the motel in season two to being there for Alexis's graduation and treating Alexis' lice and then being able to foster a healthy and mature relationship with Alexis. Although I wished that they could have worked out, the true growth was seeing them part ways and set out to do what they wanted in their lives.
7. Ronnie Lee
Shamelessly genuine, no time for BS. A badass woman with an everlasting love of putting people in their place. We should all aspire to be a little more like Ronnie.
6. Stevie Bud
Stevie has come such a long way, from thinking of herself as purposeless to becoming the owner of the motel to then becoming Johnny's business partner! Another character who just grew beautifully within the series.
5. David Rose
David Rose has this energy that feels so stand-offish and flamboyant yet at the same time is so authentic! He certainly loves his family and grew more appreciative as the series went on. Let's just say he came a long way from running away from the motel to an Amish farm.
4. Twyla Sands
Twyla is genuinely one of the characters who doesn't think anything less of anyone. She brightens up the room when she steps into it. She is led by her kindness and love for people, is quite an amazing friend to have.
3. Moira Rose
MY ICON. This woman can never be found in anything less than fabulous, knows her worth, and is dramatically over-the-top in every single thing she does! She may be self-involved but she truly is the character that is needed for the beloved comical appeal.
2. Johnny Rose
Truly the glue of his family. We see Johnny Rose come from the man that just cared about his name meaning something to business people to having his family be the most important thing in his life.
1. Alexis Rose
The queen of character development! No one can tell me otherwise. Their family would be in shambles without her wit, loyalty, and passionate love for her family.
Although I am sad that they decided to discontinue the series, I believe it was for the best and made it more special.