How To Prep For A Job Interview | The Odyssey Online
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4 Important Questions And Answers To Prep Before You Enter An Interview

Whether it be in interviews or job applications, there will be situations where you will be asked hypothetical scenarios and you need to truly deeply think about the question.

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Whether it be in interviews or job applications, there will be situations where you will be asked hypothetical scenarios and you need to truly deeply think about the question. By doing so, those who asked the question can have a greater understanding of your thought process and your core values. As such, it is wise to prepare for the four questions I have written below so that you can immediately answer these thought-provoking scenarios.

Of course, the following four questions probably won't be specifically asked, but it is more than likely that you will have to use a variation of the answer you have. In addition, these answers are my own, and you may have a completely different take on them. Regardless, having prepared answers will help you have the most successful interviews possible.

1. Do higher taxes make people lazier?

Answer: While I understand that the lower class benefits from many programs funded by our taxes, this does not mean these people would become any more "lazy" if taxes were to increase. The overwhelming majority of the lower class want to live better lives, and this happens by exerting themselves to find themselves in the position they want. As for the middle and upper classes, high taxes mean that their purchasing power for luxuries and necessities decreases; to combat this issue, these people naturally will be more driven to obtain the money lost from the higher taxes.

2. Do you prefer to do things quickly rather than perfectly?

Answer: Ultimately, efficiency is one of the most, if not the most desirable aspect for any person for any job, as it allows people to I am a firm believer in quality over quantity. By being able to reach the standard of excellence I want to achieve, I can naturally make it a habit of mine to create top-notch work, thus enabling me to reach the "quickly" aspect of accomplishing tasks and ultimately to obtain efficiency and productivity.

3. Would you rather receive negative feedback or positive feedback?

While positive feedback is encouraging and spiriting to receive, I feel that positive feedback often leads to complacency and a false notion that I have accomplished a lot. As a result, I become more and more lazy. Eventually, I will reach a point where I stop practicing the one attribute that matters most for anything: hard work. On the flip side, negative feedback is something I tackle on with open hands. Regardless of what the task may be, I know that I can always improve upon myself. As such, negative feedback keeps me inspired to continue working tirelessly so that I can reach a level of excellence in anything I do.

4. Is it more important to have self-motivation than motivate others?

Throughout my entire life so far, I have come to realize that I have so much power in myself to inspire others in a significant, life-changing way. In order to actually utilize this power for that cause, however, I have to self-motivate myself to do this aspect, and that starts by having the passion to implement the precedent I want to set to others in my own life.

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