“It’s the oldest story in the world. One day you’re seventeen and planning for someday, and then quietly, without ever really noticing, someday is today, and that someday is yesterday and this is your life.”
- Nathan Scott, One Tree Hill
Teenage years are the hardest years of your life, or so you think as you sit in your high school classroom listening to your old teacher mumble on about the weather outside or the latest football game. Eighteen years old seemed easy as well as being in college while turning nineteen, but once you hit twenty, you realize "oh crap, adulthood is really here." You have electricity bills, rent, water bills, groceries, gas, tuition, and many more bills to keep up with along with three roommates to help pay those and keep the house running. So, while you're worrying about adulthood, here are a few tips to know you're "adulting" right in this transition.
1. You make your own appointments.
Mom isn't around anymore to make sure you go to that doctors' appointment or even the dentist. You have to do it all on your own to maintain a healthy lifestyle.
2. You don't have a care in the world about what others think.
You're not in high school anymore, and the people who surround you are those you don't have to impress, so you really don't give a shit about what anyone has to say about you.
3. You have regular bills.
You have bills on bills on bills laying on your kitchen counter that you pay monthly or bi-monthly. They lie over your shoulder like a bug that will never go away.
4. You have more than $50 in your bank account.
You aren't out wasting your money on pointless things and you have a steady income even if it is that pizza joint down the street.
5. You genuinely enjoy talking to your family.
If you admit it, you really miss your family most of the time and enjoy talking to them on the phone any chance that you get. After all, they are who helped you become who you are today.
“Life kicks you around sometimes. It scares you and it beats you up. There’s a day when you realize you’re not a survivor; you’re a warrior. You’re tougher than anything it throws your way.”
- Brooke Davis, One Tree Hill