Graduating is supposed to be fun, fulfilling, and the beginning of all your hopes and dreams. If you manage to do everything right or simply just get lucky. Finding a job post-graduation is tough. Figuring out the rest of your goals and dreams may prove difficult. Where do you want to live? What do you want to do? What type of company do you want to work for? There are so many things to consider that graduation ends up becoming this scary, anxious, unknown point in your future.
Here are five unnerving thoughts that keep replaying in my mind, filling me with worry and doubt.
I need to start applying for jobs.Â
Don't get me wrong, I've applied for many part-time jobs over the years, but this is different. This will be full-time. I want to love it. I want to enjoy it. I want to make good money. I want to live in a good area. Applying for part-time jobs in retail/food service is much, much different than attempting to apply for a full-time job in an area that I hope to be in for the rest of my life.
What if I don't find a job?
Then what? Was college a waste of my time? Will I ever be successful? Where will I go?
What if I find a job that I end up hating?
Imagine moving to a new place, getting situated, and starting a new job... only to realize that you absolutely hate it. What would you do next? Do you suffer through it for the next year or couple of years? Do you quit and start back at ground zero?
I might have to move home...
After three years of living on my own and abiding by my own rules, I really don't want to move back home. I don't want restrictions. I don't want rules. I don't want parents commenting on every single thing I do. But... I would save money. I wouldn't need to waste money on rent. Or food. Or... basically anything.
What if I fail a class and can't graduate?
Okay, I admit, this might be a little far-fetched. The odds of me failing a class my very last semester? Unlikely. But, you just never know. So many things can happen.