I recently applied for a job at a popular national bookseller. While I will not be receiving a paycheck soon, because I didn't get the job, the retail giant has earned themselves one. Soon after I received an email detailing the reasons I would not be employed, my inbox was flooded with spam emails. It turns out that the company really did "carefully review" my online application, as well as invite many other bogus employment services to do the same, no doubt for a cost.
Since then, I have received up to 30 emails and 10 phone calls a day from fraudulent "employment specialists," credit unions and pop up companies offering student loans. Apparently, because I'm applying for a job, I must be unemployed and therefore in debt. Unbeknownst to me, I am also in the market for insurance with a "new low rate," as well as timeshares.
It is extremely scary to think that my information was sold at all, but especially from somewhere I am trying to become employed. I didn't ask to be added to the mailing list or even forget to uncheck any 'subscribe me' boxes while purchasing a book online. I was applying for a job, and while I love the idea of having a lot of eyes on my resume, I don't think that "Jennifer" at "Get Me Jobs" is going to actually review my employment history, skills or anything else that isn't my name, phone number or address.
After a quick internet search, I learned that data brokerage is a billion dollar industry and thousands of companies participate. By buying and selling data, companies can create mailing lists and advertisements that specifically target likely consumers of their products. You are not only the buyer, but also the sold.
While I understand that having social media accounts, shopping online, or even simply using a search engine makes my information available to anyone who wants it, it infuriates me that a business is making money off my name while I never even saw a paycheck. I don't mind the rejection email, but I do mind the hundreds of unsolicited messages promising me a job that doesn't exist.