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These 8 'Scary' Halloween Costumes Will Spook You More Than Your Average Ghost

Conventional? No. Scary? Hell yes.

These 8 'Scary' Halloween Costumes Will Spook You More Than Your Average Ghost

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Halloween is the BEST holiday to exist. Don't fight me on this. What's not to love about spooky season? The candy, scary movies, pumpkin patches, change of the season, and of course, the costumes. Sometimes, though, it's hard to pick a good costume when a majority of them are so overdone. If you're looking to scare the shit out of your friends with an unconventional costume, then you've come to the right place.

1. A creepy Supreme Court justice. 


Nothing screams scary like an alleged sexual predator who was just sworn in as our newest Supreme Court justice! All you need for this look is a black robe, a love for beer, anger issues and a complete disregard of respect for women.

Scary Scale: 10

2. An extreme Trump supporter. 


I'm getting the chills just thinking about this one. You probably know many Trump supporters (although I hope you don't for your sake), but what makes these ones especially frightening is their blatant love for him. To get started on this costume, get yourself a MAGA shirt and hat. But if you really want to go all out, yell about things you know nothing about and attack anyone with a disagreeing opinion!

Scary Scale: 8

3. Kanye West (Saturday Night Live edition).


Not really sure where you'd be able to find a water bottle costume, but if you do, let me know. However, what makes this costume both freaky and iconic is the MAGA hat, pro-Trump speech, and inaccurate political ranting.

Scary Scale: 5

4. The FLOTUS 'I really don't care. Do U?' jacket.

Out of all these costume ideas, this one may be the easiest to DIY. Any old jacket will suffice—just get white paint and you're done! This jacket is the perfect combination of cool and eery because everyone will wonder what it is exactly that you don't care about. Is it your ex's new girlfriend? The #MeToo movement? The Flint Water Crisis? Climate Change? Fake News? If anyone asks though, it's "just a jacket".

Scary Scale: 6

5. North Korean dictator.


Trick all your friends into thinking you have the nuclear launch codes that could single-handedly wipe out the human race!

Scary scale: 10

6. Hurricane Michael. 


Yikes. You'll really make an entrance as this category four hurricane. I'm not really sure how you dress up as a hurricane, but if you go around destroying everything in your path, I think everyone will get it (or just think you're crazy).

Scary scale: 7

7. A broke college student. 


For the laziest of the lazies. I don't know about you, but just thinking about student loans and the crippling debt I'll probably experience once I graduate with my Bachelor's degree is enough to keep me up at night.

Scary scale: 10

8. The president of the United States. 


I saved the spookiest, scariest, most horrifying monster—sorry, costume—for last. Sure, you could take the easy way out and just buy a Donald Trump mask. But where's the fun in that? Go all out with a blonde toupee and some very orange, non-permanent self-tanner (although orange spray paint may work better). To really get into character, change your Twitter handle to "The Real Donald Trump" and start tweeting whatever comes to mind—don't worry about whether it's grammatically correct, insensitive or ridiculous.

Scary scale: Broken (Because nothing's scarier than a self-proclaimed pussy grabber who just so happens to be the leader of our country)

I hope these eight costume ideas will get you in the spooky spirit. Happy Halloween!

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