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Our Country is Slightly Starting to Scare me

A little article on my views of our current state as a country.

Our Country is Slightly Starting to Scare me
Grayson Gerber

So as we all are very aware of, Donald Trump is our president. Cue the waterworks. For some reason, this is some of the worst news you could ever say to some people. Let me give you a little background. I come from a conservative family. My father is a small business owner. I consider myself a conservative as well. This past election felt like people were voting for who they hated less. When Trump was elected president, there was a huge uproar it seemed by the liberal party, and while yes I am conservative, I am not being biased here, I am stating facts.

Multiple celebrities outspoke on the hatred of our new president, and then there's idiotic people like Kathy Griffin that try to grip on to her dying career by modeling with a severed bloody head of Trump. Excuse my language, but what the hell? As I recall, multiple people did not like president Barack Obama for various reasons, but did you see riots thrown left and right by the conservative party due to this?

Come on people, this is getting ridiculous. We are one nation, under God, and refusing to serve someone because they are conservative, and all the other B.S. that goes with that is segregation. The people who choose to participate in those acts are literally severing two groups of Americans. Obviously I am not saying every liberal is bad, I am not saying that at all, everybody is entitled to their own beliefs and certain parties are more ideal for you in your situation, but I am saying that the people that are going freaking insane over Trump being our president and the people refusing to associate with the conservative party because of our president are disgusting, low life snowflakes. Do you really have nothing better to do than that? Maybe get a job or something. Maybe actually research something and realize the change that Trump has brought, because, and this may be my conservative side talking, Trump sure as hell is a way better president than Obama was.

So why don't you go and look up what all our president, Donald Trump, has accomplished. He is doing an amazing job and effortlessly making change in our country. No, he is not a politician, but that was just the change we needed. We needed someone who was an outsider, who has been in the business field, knows our economy.

Why not instead of trashing who is in our White House, we step back and really look at the picture here. We are doing great right now, the greatest thing holding us back is the delusional people that are denying our president as our president (which by the way, if you are gonna say he's not our president, then just leave. We don't want you), the people starting riots, and the people turning away people that don't have the same opinions.

We are fortunate to be where we are, dammit. There are countries in serious poverty and economies in the toilet, and there are countries that are under dictatorship. We are the freaking LAND OF THE FREE. How dare anybody put someone down for having a differing opinion. Debating is natural, it is part of our human existence, obviously you can have debates on the topics, but when you are refusing to let somebody eat in your restaurant because they believe in something else, or decide to stop going to a restaurant that you've gone to your whole lives because conservatives have eaten there, then you are no better than the Hitler reign when Jews were secluded from certain areas.. Honestly. Our president is not Hitler, he is not telling the idiotic people of the world to segregate, it is the individuals that decide that this is what they want to do in order to make a statement or something.

So to all of you guys that read this, it is clear as day this is not a personal attack on liberals, this is a message for the people who are going insane and literally scare me with their actions. Quit trying to cause civil war. Are you scared because Trump is actually making change and Obama didn't do anything? We are one nation under God, and we better start acting like it. I am a lover of all people, but I am not a fan of people feeling unsafe in our own land. It is sickening. There is so much more I could address, and I might address in later articles. This is not to stir anything up, I don't really feel like debating with somebody on this topic, I am just expressing my side of things and what I have viewed, being a young adult, on the cusp of the millennial age and generation Z. I just don't want our country to repeat history, because we should have learned from our mistakes, but it seems that that may not be the case anymore.

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