Love is a beautiful, mysterious feeling. It is felt every day and continues to fascinate each and every one of us that dare to open our hearts to it. We were created in love by our amazing God and continue to be loved by him every single day. However, many of us find it hard to love the way in which we were intended to. Our creator asks us to forgive and love others endlessly, as he does for us. This can be hard to do in our modern world, we turn a blind eye to the things or people that we don't want to deal with and hold grudges for way too long. I know it seems like an impossible task to love and forgive every person that wrongs us, but God promises us that if we open our hearts in such a way we will be blessed with love in return.
God loves each of us even though we wrong him daily. We continue to sin, yet he blesses us with incredible love and support. This is something so unbelievable to me. How can such a powerful, astounding God love me, a sinner, in this way? It is in a way which I do not deserve but nonetheless am still shown without end. We can all learn from the way God loves us, we can grow in ourselves and each other if we can just open our hearts to the way of our Lord. Jesus says in John 15:9-17 "As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Abide in my love. If you keep my commandments, you will abide in my love, just as I have kept my Father’s commandments and abide in his love. These things I have spoken to you, that my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be full. 'This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you.'" He commands us to love others in the way that we are loved by our father. It is not just a suggestion; it is essential to a life full of happiness and grace.
Not only should we love those who may be hard to love, we should love those who are close to our hearts, harder. We should make those who love us feel appreciated and safe. We need to do this without fear or hesitation because these special people were put into our lives for a reason. I want to love people unconditionally. I want to be able to forgive and forget the things that threaten these relationships, but most importantly I want to be someone who can listen and trust others.
I want to know that I am loving the people that surround me with all my heart, without hesitation and without fear. I believe that if we can do this we are in store for a very rewarding life with our God.