Too many people get stuck in their hometowns when all they've ever wanted to do is leave, and by the time they actually think about it, some think that it's too late... but it isn't. When you know it's time to leave, you just know.
Don't believe the notion that you'll be stuck there forever or that every place is the same. You're not stuck, and there are better things out there for you.
If you're serious about moving, look at different areas you might want to move to, whether it's a different town not too far away or if it is in another state or country.
It may take time, but the possibilities are endless if you put in the work.
I wanted to leave my hometown for a long time. I didn't want to stay in the cold or in a small town with limited opportunities. I wanted to move somewhere warmer and have opportunities. My goal was to get out and be happy.
I did it, and so can you.
When I was getting ready to graduate college, I had to start thinking about my future and where I wanted my degree to take me. I knew I wanted to leave my small town but had no idea where.
I hit a rough patch with my boyfriend, and the thought of moving alone terrified me. Nonetheless, I pushed through and started looking at different areas and tried to find out the best fit for me.
I was terrified, I cried over it, I stressed over it and everything else in between. But, I was serious about it.
However, life ended up working out in my favor, and my boyfriend and I worked things out together. We moved 15 hours away from where I'm from to South Carolina.
Moving out for the first time is scary enough, so adding distance was overwhelming, but it was the best decision ever.
Even after a few days I was happier. The sun was shining, I was in a new atmosphere and I could finally breathe. I'm not a what if, I don't have to regret or dwell on not leaving, I did it.
We're staying with family while we figure out next steps, but that's perfectly OK!
If you have resources and/or people who want to help you while you get on your feet, jump on it! There's nothing wrong with that. Look at some places you have family. See if you can visit if it's a place you like, do some research and make a plan.
There's so many options out there for everyone, you just have to take the first step.
You can't let fear stop you or it will ruin things for you.
Leaving friends and family can be scary. It's not going to be easy for you and that's OK. Life isn't always easy, but you can't let that stop you either. I cried at the thought of leaving my friends and family.
I get homesick and sad sometimes, but I remind myself of the opportunities I've opened for myself and realized how much bigger my world is becoming. I think about why I moved in the first place and smile because against all of the odds I faced, I did it.
You can't focus only on the negatives, you have to see the positives.
Maybe you can get some friends or family members to come with you, maybe you can't, and you have to start fresh on your own. No matter what the situation is, if you want to leave, do it. Leave before you decide to settle, or when you think that you're stuck. Leave to experience new things.
If you're settled down, still move if it's something you want to do.
You can't use excuses out of fear of failure.
Maybe you'll regret leaving, you can come back. Maybe, it's the best thing you've ever done, and you won't look back. Or maybe you'll visit every once in a while to see how everyone is doing.
You don't have to start new by forgetting everyone you know back home. Not everything has to change, but you have to look ahead and make choices based on what you want.
If you need a sign or some encouragement, this is it.
It's scary, it's new, it may be out of your comfort zone, but do it.
Don't live with the regret of not doing something new.
As Nike says, just do it.