Scarecrow Called Harmony
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Scarecrow Called Harmony

You Are Where You Belong

Scarecrow Called Harmony

Clear, crisp wind, as fresh as it ever is

As fresh as the grass that never leaves my feet,

Melting away into each sunray.

Day after day my life trudges along side

The river that flowers a little less than

A half mile away. My heart synchronizes

With the peeling of the bark

that thrust beyond me:

Early riser

Bird nightingale.

Afternoon yellow

Breathless blue hue.

Dusking colors

Fireflies burn.

Darkness consumes

What the light has

to sacrifice.

And what it gives is what I take,

I am here for the sleep

As well as the wake.

I never close an eye or rest a limb

Yet I am here, never too stimp.

I wind with the wind and am one breath

The earthly spirits exhale to me.

But oh the things I would do

For a little adventure.

For a little change in the blow,

Or maybe a new view to fathom.

A creature more mischievous than that

Little white rabbit

With big red eyes.

That ticking watch only gives me


A lot fewer crows to pick out my inside

Would be greatly appreciated, if only my cries

were laid

upon the clouds.

To imagine a world where I could not only

See the wind flow in the breeze, but oh, to be.

Oh what a world, what a life to live.

Is this what I think?

"You, you there, please step forward!

You’re perched too far what do you think you're doing!?"

I hope, I believe.

My whines have been witnessed

Finally after years!

A new something, a beginning

Possibly. Forming right on my shoulder blade.

What a creature you must be,

As free as a whistle with nothing to please,

Not even a feather.

Naked but not cold, you glow with the moon

During the day and blind away

All other prosperity.

A beauty you are, afar and up near,

"Please whisper your reason, right in my ear,

I am here, I am here."

"You see, you straw, I am a wish birthed at cry,

Birthed in the night.

I am here, I am here, to care for you.

Your life will soon change to how you wish so

If only you can remember my words to and fro.

My name is Ol' Folly and I come with a rhyme

To give you a chance to live in your time.

Real hard you must think and speak with sweet words,

For the whisper you wish will succeed in the birds.

Say these three words and your wish will come true

But be aware of what happens when you wish too soon.

'Hippolas, trickolas, ploome,

Hippolas, trickolas, ploome,

Make my dreams come true.'"

"Oh kind fellow, your words are not real!"

"Honest they’re not, as life does not rot."

Where did he go? What did I do?

Hippolas, trickolas, ploome?

Fifty days as fifty nights I have not slept.

My mind is dominated with worried

Of thoughts. Thoughts of impossibilities.

Should I? Shouldn't I? What have I owed to lose?

No soul, no life, no coat, no shoe.

My arms are tired, my spirit is weak.

What can possibly rid such sorrow in me?

My life feels consumed. Red as my eyes.

Hollow as each tree around me. The time has come,

I'm ready now.

I don't need your sign,

I know what to do.

Pinch my eyes shut and rack my brain right,

"Hippolas, trickolas, ploome,

Hippolas, trickolas, ploome,

Make my dreams come true.

To be free of these ropes and to roam

The vast world, is my greatest dream

Of my greatest joy. Release me now as the

Wind sure take me in. I believe in my

Time, to see what there is."


I dance with the leaves,

My hair spins in the breeze,

Bursting is my heart,

As if the sun’s fire

Has finally

Caught me.

Twirling, I grace upon waters never seen

And mountains never wandered.

I have everything. I have The Will,

The Freedom,

The Wisdom,

The Fragrance

Of every want wanting in my sense.

Beauty envelopes every fiber that is my body.

My body, that is, of nothing but a few strands.

String, straw, strips

Of yarn.

I no longer feel the hope for I am now its creator.

I am the wind

I am the Earth I am


Here I am! See me, notice me!

I am no longer tied down, I am now roaming,

Roaming as I’ve always dreamed, seeing,

Seeing all there is to intelligize.

Energize, I feel alive.

Feelings I’ve never imagined possible

Consume my once oblivious mind.

The World is now showing me,

Allowing me to possess these feelings

of astonishment, that are oh so



The days will go on,

And I will travel with the song

That the trees play

through their leaves...

And I will witness beauty

And dreams

That flow in the streams

And beams to me

In silent ways...

But, will never again will I see that rabbit?

Or become aggravated with the annoying

Cry of those black crow’s?

Will never again I hope for more?

Or Wish for a better tomorrow?

Because now,

I have every tomorrow,


But maybe it’s not suppose to be this way.

So I say goodnight to that ravish flight

That swooned my heart so quickly.

Simple as simply has my love been lost

To be so independent.

I tie my hands, as tight as the nights

Grip on the soul of grim.

With such experience given to me,

I thank nature for providing

Insights of its benevolent beauty

And mischievous brutality.

Thank you for showing me,

My epiphany

That I belong in the soil

And not with the coil

Of springs that glide through the air.

Cutting it clear.

The wind was made for me

To breathe,

To love,

To enjoy,

To dream.

And atlast I create my dreams,

But the dreams are sprouted from

Much more than I can comprehend.

For I am not the dream-maker,

I am a victim of its excellence.

Goodnight to that dream,

Hello to further


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